Date Title Speaker Count  
30 Nov 2008 12:00  4. The day of the Lord
(2 Peter 3:1-3:18
Charlie Newcombe  6 
30 Nov 2008 12:00  1. The preacher
(Matthew 3:1-3:10
Martin Andrews  6 
30 Nov 2008 12:00  1. God's King
(Psalm 2
Andy Boreland  0 
23 Nov 2008 12:00  3. Waterless springs
(2 Peter 2:1-2:22
Charlie Newcombe  4 
16 Nov 2008 12:00  2. His Word made certain
(2 Peter 1:12-1:21
Charlie Newcombe  2 
9 Nov 2008 12:00  1. His great and very precious promises
(2 Peter 1:1-1:11
Charlie Newcombe  4 
26 Oct 2008 12:00  8. His appointments
(Mark 3:7-3:21
Ben Shaw  0 
26 Oct 2008 12:00  4. Isaiah sees his task
(Isaiah 6:6-6:7
Charlie Newcombe  2 
26 Oct 2008 12:00  8. He saves the outcasts
(Mark 7:24
Simon Porter  6 
19 Oct 2008 12:00  3. Isaiah sees his hope
(Isaiah 6:6-6:7
Charlie Newcombe  1 
19 Oct 2008 12:00  7. He defies tradition
(Mark 7:1-7:23
Ben Shaw  2 
12 Oct 2008 12:00  2. Isaiah sees himself
(Isaiah 6:5
Charlie Newcombe  1 
12 Oct 2008 12:00  6. He walks on water
(Mark 6:45-6:52
Ben Shaw  2 
5 Oct 2008 12:00  1. Isaiah sees his God
(Isaiah 6:1-6:4
Charlie Newcombe  3 
5 Oct 2008 12:00  5. He feeds 5000
(Mark 6:30-6:44
Ben Shaw  11 
28 Sep 2008 12:00  4. His priorities
(Mark 1:35-1:45
Ben Shaw  3 
21 Sep 2008 12:00  3. His authority
(Mark 1:21-1:34
Ben Shaw  5 
14 Sep 2008 12:00  2. Secret growth
(Mark 4:26-4:29
Charlie Newcombe  5 
14 Sep 2008 12:00  2. He casts out demons
(Mark 5:1-5:20
Martin Andrews  7 
7 Sep 2008 12:00  1. He calms the storm
(Mark 4:35-4:41
Charlie Newcombe  3