Date Title Speaker Count  
5 Oct 2009 12:00  1. Why are Sceptics, Sceptical?
(Genesis 1
Ron Choong  5 
4 Oct 2009 12:00  7. Why Daniel escaped the lions
(Daniel 6
Simon Manchester  25 
4 Oct 2009 12:00  6. Valuing Christ sooner or later
(Matthew 13:44-13:46
Simon Manchester  17 
27 Sep 2009 12:00  4. Athens - preaching to pagan
(Acts 17
Ben Shaw  16 
27 Sep 2009 12:00  4. The Christian and the State
(Romans 13
Charlie Newcombe  9 
13 Sep 2009 12:00  3. True blessing
(Hebrews 13:20-13:21
Ed Coleridge  1 
30 Aug 2009 12:00  6. The God who is there
(Psalm 127
Charlie Newcombe  9 
23 Aug 2009 12:00  4. Unsearchable judgment
(Romans 11:33-11:36
Ben Shaw  6 
23 Aug 2009 12:00  5. "I'll praise my Maker"
(Psalm 127
Andrew Boreland  2 
9 Aug 2009 12:00  3. A place for God
(Psalm 127
Greg Cushing  3 
9 Aug 2009 12:00  3. A tale of two mountains
(Hebrews 12:18-12:24
Sam Manchester  5 
2 Aug 2009 12:00  2. Tears can come too late
(Hebrews 12:12-12:17
Charlie Newcombe  6 
26 Jul 2009 12:00  1. The Song of the Cross
(Psalm 22
Charlie Newcombe  0 
26 Jul 2009 12:00  2. A strange miracle
(Mark 8:22-8:38
Charlie Newcombe  3 
26 Jul 2009 12:00  1. The blessing of discipline
(Hebrews 12:4-12:11
Peter Hamilton  3 
19 Jul 2009 12:00  3. The Bible: A Source of Knowledge
(Psalm 119:97-119:104
Ben Shaw  8 
12 Jul 2009 12:00  2. The Bible: A Love Letter
(Psalm 119:41-119:48
Ben Shaw  5 
5 Jul 2009 12:00  1. The Bible: A Guide Book
Ben Shaw  3 
28 Jun 2009 12:00  1. "The Passion of God"
(Hosea 11:1-11:11
Martin Andrews  3 
21 Jun 2009 12:00  1. Forgiveness
(Colossians 2:13-2:15
Ben Shaw  2