Date Title Speaker Count  
9 May 2010 12:00  1. Wings like eagles
(Isaiah 40:10
Martin Andrews  4 
2 May 2010 12:00  3. The call of Christ
(Matthew 11:25-11:30
Charlie Newcombe  8 
2 May 2010 12:00  3. Forgiveness and a hostile world
(John 20:10-20:23
Christopher Ash  48 
2 May 2010 12:00  3. A good prayer to pray
(Ephesians 3:14-3:21
Charlie Newcombe  5 
25 Apr 2010 12:00  2. The cross of Christ
(John 18:1-18:14
Charlie Newcombe  3 
25 Apr 2010 12:00  2. The apostles and a hostile world
(John 15:25
Christopher Ash  34 
18 Apr 2010 12:00  1. The compassion of Christ
(Mark 1:40-1:45
Charlie Newcombe  10 
18 Apr 2010 12:00  1. The Christian and the Trinity
(John 14:15-14:27
Christopher Ash  40 
4 Apr 2010 12:00  5. Easter Afternoon - The Road to Emmaus
(Luke 24:13-24:35
Charlie Newcombe  3 
28 Mar 2010 12:00  5. Now or Never? - What's the hurry
(Luke 16:19-16:31
Simon Manchester  33 
28 Mar 2010 12:00  4. Respectability or Rescue?
(Luke 18:9-18:14
Simon Manchester  12 
27 Mar 2010 12:00  3. Boom or Bust?
(Luke 12:13-12:21
Simon Manchester  15 
26 Mar 2010 12:00  2. Life or Death?
(Luke 8:40-8:56
Simon Manchester  37 
25 Mar 2010 12:00  1. Trivial or Terminal?
(Luke 5:17-5:26
Simon Manchester  16 
21 Mar 2010 12:00  1. The last supper
(Luke 22:7-22:22
Charlie Newcombe  5 
14 Mar 2010 12:00  1. Betrayal
(Luke 22:1-22:6
Charlie Newcombe  2 
7 Mar 2010 12:00  2. The dishonest manager
(Luke 16:19-16:30
Martin Andrews  4 
28 Feb 2010 12:00  3. The day of hope
(Zephaniah 3:9-3:20
Charlie Newcombe  4 
21 Feb 2010 12:00  2. The day of wrath
(Zephaniah 2:8
Charlie Newcombe  7 
21 Feb 2010 12:00  8. Not peace but division
(Luke 12:49-12:53
Steve Bayly  4