Date Title Speaker Count  
21 Jun 2009 12:00  1. The Passover: God Delivers
(Leviticus 23:4-23:5
Andrew Boreland  7 
14 Jun 2009 12:00  4. The Widow's Mite
(Mark 12:41-12:44
Charlie Newcombe  9 
14 Jun 2009 12:00  2. Love
(1 John 4:8
Ben Shaw  1 
7 Jun 2009 12:00  3. The Lord said to My Lord
(Mark 12:35-12:40
Charlie Newcombe  7 
7 Jun 2009 12:00  1. Grace
(Ephesians 2:8
Ben Shaw  3 
7 Jun 2009 12:00  8. The outworking of faith
(Hebrews 12:1-12:2
John Ash  3 
17 May 2009 12:00  4. Gathered to Jesus
(Revelation 7:9-7:12
Christopher Ash  35 
17 May 2009 12:00  5. The Vision of Faith
(Hebrews 11:23-11:28
Charlie Newcombe  2 
10 May 2009 12:00  3. Gathered by Grace
(Hebrews 12:18-12:29
Christopher Ash  41 
3 May 2009 12:00  2. Assembled by Law
(Deuteronomy 4:9-4:13
Christopher Ash  31 
26 Apr 2009 12:00  1. Scattered by Pride
(Genesis 11:1-11:19
Christopher Ash  57 
26 Apr 2009 12:00  2. The Necessity of Faith
(Hebrews 11:14-11:7
Ben Shaw  4 
19 Apr 2009 12:00  6. The Shepherd Psalm
(Psalm 23
Ben Shaw  20 
12 Apr 2009 12:00  3. The Resurrection
(Matthew 28
Charlie Newcombe  12 
5 Apr 2009 12:00  3. The God of compassion
(Psalm 103
Ben Shaw  8 
29 Mar 2009 12:00  2. The God of justice
(Psalm 73
Ben Shaw  3 
29 Mar 2009 12:00  1. Betrayal and Devotion
(Mark 14:1-14:11
Charlie Newcombe  3 
22 Mar 2009 12:00  1. The God of Reality
(Psalm 14
Ben Shaw  8 
15 Mar 2009 12:00  3. The rich ruler
(Mark 10:17-10:22
Martin Andrews  8 
15 Mar 2009 12:00  4. The motive for our godliness
(1 Peter 2:24
Charlie Newcombe  1