Date Title Speaker Count  
15 Mar 2009 12:00  11. Happy families
(Ephesians 6:1-6:9
Ben Shaw  4 
8 Mar 2009 12:00  3. The model of our suffering
(1 Peter 2:21-2:23
Charlie Newcombe  1 
8 Mar 2009 12:00  10. God's blueprint for marriage
(Ephesians 5:22-5:33
Ben Shaw  7 
1 Mar 2009 12:00  2. The means of our rescue
(1 Peter 1:13-1:19
Charlie Newcombe  1 
1 Mar 2009 12:00  9. The way to win others
(Ephesians 5:1-5:21
Ben Shaw  6 
22 Feb 2009 12:00  2. God and the Ark
(Genesis 7:1-7:19
Ben Shaw  6 
22 Feb 2009 12:00  1. The centre of our Gospel
(1 Peter 1:10-1:12
Charlie Newcombe  2 
15 Feb 2009 12:00  1. Noah and the Ark
(Genesis 6:6
Ben Shaw  9 
15 Feb 2009 12:00  6. Grey hairs here and there
(Hosea 7
Andy Lines  8 
15 Feb 2009 12:00  7. Unity and maturity
(Ephesians 4:1-4:16
Giles Rawlinson  14 
8 Feb 2009 12:00  4. Eager for every good work
(Titus 2:15
Christopher Ash  32 
1 Feb 2009 12:00  3. The purpose of grace
(Titus 2:11-2:14
Christopher Ash  36 
1 Feb 2009 12:00  5. The mystery revealed
(Ephesians 3:1-3:15
Andrew Boreland  2 
25 Jan 2009 12:00  2. Making doctrine beautiful
(Titus 2:1-2:10
Christopher Ash  40 
25 Jan 2009 12:00  4. God's new society
(Ephesians 2:11-2:14
Charlie Newcombe  2 
18 Jan 2009 12:00  1. Leaders who help and leaders who hinder
(Titus 1:1-1:18
Christopher Ash  41 
21 Dec 2008 12:00  4. Herod's Birthday Party
(Mark 1:14-1:29
Ben Shaw  3 
14 Dec 2008 12:00  3. More than a prophet
(Mark 4:1-4:20
Ben Shaw  3 
14 Dec 2008 12:00  3. Enthroned for ever
(Psalm 102
Charlie Newcombe  6 
7 Dec 2008 12:00  2. The Royal Wedding
(Psalm 45
Steve Bayly  4