Date Title Speaker Count  
2 Jul 2009  The Appraisal:
Areas for Development
(Colossians 3:1-17
Wanyeki Mahiaini  17 
28 Jun 2009  I Wish I had your Faith :
Abraham: Envoy to kings
(Genesis 13
Rico Tice  65 
28 Jun 2009  Ask an honest question, get an honest answer :
Lord, why do you tolerate wrong?
(Habakkuk 1:12 -2:2
Mark Meynell  31 
25 Jun 2009  The Appraisal:
Personal Conduct
(Philippians 2:1-18
Tim Plyming  19 
21 Jun 2009  Special Services (Thanksgiving and Gift Day) :
The Lord's hand
(Acts 11:19-30
Roger Salisbury  67 
21 Jun 2009  Special Services (Thanksgiving and Gift Day) :
Look back, look up, look around
(Deuteronomy 8:1-18
Rico Tice  46 
18 Jun 2009  Team Jesus:
A Fresh Start for the Team
(Luke 24:13-35
Alex Webb-Peploe  15 
14 Jun 2009  I Wish I had your Faith :
Abraham: Reasons to emigrate
(Genesis 12, 15
Roger Salisbury  28 
14 Jun 2009  Ask an honest question, get an honest answer :
Lord, why don't you listen?
(Habakkuk 1:1-11
Mark Meynell  37 
11 Jun 2009  Team Jesus:
Arguments in the Team
(Luke 22:7-38
Jago Wynne  26 
7 Jun 2009  Workplace Sunday:
In the beginning
(Genesis 1 & 2
Hugh Palmer  28 
7 Jun 2009  Workplace Sunday:
It's not what you do, it's the way that you do it
(Ephesians 6:5-9
Tim Plyming  19 
4 Jun 2009  Team Jesus:
Working in the Team
(Luke 9:1-17
Heewoo Han  73 
31 May 2009  The Blessings of the Kingdom:
The blessings of the Kingdom (4)
(Matthew 5:10-12
Chris Wright  48 
31 May 2009  A Passion for People :
A passion for people (4)
(1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:28
Hugh Palmer  24 
28 May 2009  Team Jesus:
Trained for the Team
(Luke 6:27-36
Hugh Palmer  23 
24 May 2009  A Passion for People :
A passion for people (3)
(1 Thessalonians 4:1-12
Hugh Palmer  26 
24 May 2009  The Blessings of the Kingdom:
The blessings of the Kingdom (3)
(Matthew 5:7-9
Roger Salisbury  36 
21 May 2009  Team Jesus:
Called to the Team
(Luke 5:27-39
Ian Roberts  16 
17 May 2009  The Blessings of the Kingdom:
The blessings of the Kingdom (2)
(Matthew 5:5-6
Mark Meynell  36