Date Title Speaker Count  
15 Feb 2009  Special Services:
The amazing ministry of reconciliation
(2 Corinthians 5:11-21
Kang-San Tan  27 
12 Feb 2009  Into the Lion's Den (Studies in Daniel):
The New Boss
(Daniel 2
Trevor Pearce  27 
8 Feb 2009  How to be gifted and godly:
How to be gifted and godly 3
(1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Hugh Palmer  52 
8 Feb 2009  Dangerous Questions for Grumblers :
Surely God is pleased with our offerings?
(Malachi 1:6-2:9
Mark Meynell  34 
5 Feb 2009  Into the Lion's Den (Studies in Daniel):
The Apprentice
(Daniel 1
Tim Plyming  26 
1 Feb 2009  How to be gifted and godly:
How to be gifted and godly 2
(1 Corinthians 12:12-31
Heewoo Han  19 
1 Feb 2009  Dangerous Questions for Grumblers :
How is the Lord great?
(Malachi 1:1-5
David Turner  33 
29 Jan 2009  A Job for Life:
Work in God's New Creation
(Revelation 21
Tim Plyming  28 
25 Jan 2009  Partnership Sundays:
When was the last time you had your feet washed?
(John 13:1-7
Mark Meynell  47 
25 Jan 2009  How to be gifted and godly:
How to be gifted and godly 1
(1 Corinthians 12:1-11
Hugh Palmer  22 
22 Jan 2009  A Job for Life:
Work in God's World
(Colossians 3
Tim Plyming  21 
18 Jan 2009  Guest Services:
Why is the Resurrection good news?
(1 Corinthians 15:12-20
David Turner  30 
18 Jan 2009  Guest Services:
Soft option or tough call?
(Mark 8:27-38
Roger Salisbury  20 
15 Jan 2009  A Job for Life:
Work in God's Garden
(Genesis 2
Tim Plyming  23 
11 Jan 2009  Christmas is:
A deranged hermit, or a herald of the one to come?
(Luke 3:1-20
Mark Meynell  27 
11 Jan 2009  Guest Services:
Free to choose
(Mark 10:17-31
Rico Tice  69 
4 Jan 2009  Your Light has come :
Your light has come
(Isaiah 60:1-9
Chris Wright  39 
4 Jan 2009  Christmas is:
A teenage rebellion, or a sign of things to come?
(Luke 2:41-52
Mark Meynell  29 
31 Dec 2008  New Year Services:
Watchnight service 2008
(Romans 11:33-12:2
Heewoo Han  17 
28 Dec 2008  5 Reasons Why This Baby Matters :
He's the best life
(John 10:10
Chris Wright  35