Date Title Speaker Count  
18 Oct 2009  Catching Heaven's Passion:
Tears for the defiant
(Matthew 23:37-39
Wanyeki Mahiaini  19 
18 Oct 2009  Catching Heaven's Passion:
Affection for the self-satisfied
(2 Corinthians 6:1-13
Rico Tice  43 
15 Oct 2009  Holy Ambition:
My desire
(Psalm 27
Heewoo Han  39 
11 Oct 2009  Catching Heaven's Passion:
A heart for the lost
(Luke 15:1-10
Rico Tice  68 
11 Oct 2009  Catching Heaven's Passion:
A heartache for the prodigal
(Luke 15:11-32
Hugh Palmer  69 
8 Oct 2009  Guest Events:
Can you trust the Bible?
(Luke 1:1-4
Mark Meynell  34 
4 Oct 2009  Guest Services:
Inside out living
(Luke 18:9-14
Rico Tice  87 
4 Oct 2009  Guest Services:
Which way do I go now?
(Matthew 7:13-14
Hugh Palmer  29 
1 Oct 2009  God, the Gospel and Work (Clearing the confusion):
Investing in the future
(2 Peter 3:10-14
Hugh Palmer  23 
27 Sep 2009  Table Talk :
The picnic that revealed the Lord
(John 21:1-14
Roger Salisbury  19 
27 Sep 2009  Guest Services:
Out of the black shadows
(Genesis 41:49-52
Stephen Lungu  26 
24 Sep 2009  God, the Gospel and Work (Clearing the confusion):
Working practices transformed
(Ephesians 2:1-10
Hugh Palmer  22 
20 Sep 2009  Special Services (World Need Sunday) :
Keeping Earth on our hands
(Colossians 1:15-23
Pater Harris  16 
20 Sep 2009  Special Services (World Need Sunday) :
Hope is the new green
(Romans 8:18-25
Peter Harris  18 
17 Sep 2009  God, the Gospel and Work (Clearing the confusion):
Limited job satisfaction
(Genesis 3:8-19
Hugh Palmer  21 
13 Sep 2009  Table Talk :
The dinner gate-crashed by a sinner
(Luke 7:36-50
David Turner  38 
13 Sep 2009  Table Talk :
The supper when everyone preaches
(1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Hugh Palmer  27 
10 Sep 2009  God, the Gospel and Work (Clearing the confusion):
The original job creation scheme
(Genesis 2:15-25
Hugh Palmer  15 
6 Sep 2009  Table Talk :
The wedding reception that pointed to glory
(John 2:1-11
Mark Meynell  43 
6 Sep 2009  Table Talk :
The banquet with the strange guest list
(Luke 15:15-24
Wanyeki Mahiaini  19