Date Title Speaker Count  
29 Nov 2009  Living Right with God :
The gift is not like the trepass
(Romans 5:12-21
Rico Tice  41 
29 Nov 2009  Jesus - the Messiah for all :
Listen to Him
(Mark 9:2-13
Wanyeki Mahiaini  46 
26 Nov 2009  There is no shame in this Gospel:
Alive to God
(Romans 5:1-6:23
Ian Roberts  18 
22 Nov 2009  Christians Facing Issues Today (4):
CFIT 4 - 'Your Life - Your Death - Your Choice? - Assisted Suicide' Part 1
(Philippians 1:9-10
Hugh Palmer  27 
22 Nov 2009  Christians Facing Issues Today (4)Other Scripture Refs : 1 Peter 1:6-7, Acts 17:24-25, Galatians 6:2:
CFIT 4 - 'Your Life - Your Death - Your Choice? - Assisted Suicide' Part 2
(1 Kings 19:1-9
Hugh Palmer (& interview)  49 
22 Nov 2009  Christians Facing Issues Today (4):
CFIT 4 - 'Your Life - Your Death - Your Choice? - Assisted Suicide' Part 3 
Hugh Palmer (& guests)  17 
22 Nov 2009  Living Right with God :
The wonder of justification
(Romans 5:1-11
Roger Salisbury  19 
19 Nov 2009  There is no shame in this Gospel:
Righteous by faith
(Romans 3:21-4:25
Alex Webb-Peploe  18 
15 Nov 2009  A Short History of Nearly Everything:
Destiny : 'Everything new'
(Revelation 21:5
Hugh Palmer  20 
15 Nov 2009  Jesus- the Messiah for all :
He saw everything clearly
(Mark 8:22-9:1
Mark Prentice  26 
12 Nov 2009  There is no shame in this Gospel:
Judged by truth
(Romans 1:18-3:20
Hugh Palmer  23 
8 Nov 2009  A Short History of Nearly Everything:
Rescue: 'It is finished'
(John 19:30
Hugh Palmer  32 
8 Nov 2009  Jesus- the Messiah for all :
A sign from heaven?
(Mark 8:1-21
Mark Meynell  45 
5 Nov 2009  There is no shame in this Gospel:
Saved by grace
(Romans 1:1-17
Trevor Pearce  33 
1 Nov 2009  A Short History of Nearly Everything:
Promise : A blessing to all peoples
(Genesis 12:3
Hugh Palmer  43 
1 Nov 2009  Jesus-the Messiah for all :
The Lord for all
(Mark 7:24-37
Mark Meynell  73 
29 Oct 2009  Holy Ambition:
My heart's yearning
(Psalm 84
Heewoo Han  23 
25 Oct 2009  A Short History of Nearly Everything:
Origins : In the beginning
(Genesis 3:20-24
Hugh Palmer  15 
25 Oct 2009  Jesus-the Messiah for all :
The heart of the human problem
(Mark 7:1-23
Mark Meynell  40 
22 Oct 2009  Holy Ambition:
My life's end
(Psalm 39
Heewoo Han  33