Date Title Speaker Count  
11 Apr 2010 13:30  Fe-Mail: How to Read a Woman 
Amanda Dye  8 
11 Apr 2010 10:00  Freedom from Religious Powers 
Colin Dye  4 
4 Apr 2010 13:30  Special Guests: Stavanger Gospel Company 
Gabriel Chan  0 
4 Apr 2010 10:00  Revelation of the Risen Christ 
Colin Dye  2 
28 Mar 2010 18:00  If anybody Thirst 
Bruce Atkinson  2 
28 Mar 2010 16:00  Dealing with the 'Old Man' 
Bruce Atkinson  1 
28 Mar 2010 13:30  Boys will be Boys 
Gabriel Chan  0 
28 Mar 2010 10:00  The Promises of God 
Praise Olatona  0 
21 Mar 2010 18:00  Looking to go Faster 
Roberts Liardon  7 
21 Mar 2010 16:00  Rise up and Walk 
Colin Dye  1 
21 Mar 2010 13:30  Bringing Peace to the Battle of the Sexes 
Dudley Hanciles  1 
21 Mar 2010 10:00  The Grace of Jesus 
Colin Dye  2 
14 Mar 2010 18:00  Looking to go Faster 
Roberts Liardon  3 
14 Mar 2010 16:00  Apostolic Church 
Colin Dye  0 
14 Mar 2010 13:30  Exploring God's purpose for Men and Women, Would you Adam and Eve it 
Gabriel Chan  1 
14 Mar 2010 10:00  Reseeding a Nation 
Roberts Liardon  3 
7 Mar 2010 18:00  Two year Revival Meetings Anniversary 
William Lee  0 
7 Mar 2010 16:00  Apostolic Preaching 
Colin Dye  0 
7 Mar 2010 13:30  Ready to Get Hitched: 5 ways to prepare for your Future Spouse 
Amanda Dye  3 
7 Mar 2010 10:00  Rejoice, O Barren 
Bruce Atkinson  5