Date Title Speaker Count  
20 Jun 2010 13:30  Nourishing - Abiding in the Vine 
Gabriel Chan  0 
20 Jun 2010 10:00  No Fear, No Defeat - Psalm 27 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
13 Jun 2010 18:00  The Sparrow has found a Home, Psalm 84 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
13 Jun 2010 16:00  Grace in the Church 
Colin Dye  0 
13 Jun 2010 13:30  Extravagant - He First Loved Us 
Gabriel Chan  0 
13 Jun 2010 10:00  Perfect in Christ 
Colin Dye  1 
6 Jun 2010 18:00  Jesus Power 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
6 Jun 2010 16:00  The Purpose of the Law 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
6 Jun 2010 13:30  Staying Pure in a Dirty 
Sy Rogers  6 
6 Jun 2010 10:00  Bearing Fruit through the Favour of God 
Colin Dye  0 
30 May 2010 18:00  Being Led by the Spirit 
Roberts Liardon  16 
30 May 2010 16:00  The Kingdom Now but not Yet 
Dudley Hanciles  0 
30 May 2010 13:30  From A to B to C: Your Future Success 
Kristian Lythe  0 
30 May 2010 10:00  Get Ready the King is Coming! 
Tayo Awoyera  6 
23 May 2010 18:00  The Baptism of Assurance and Power 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
23 May 2010 16:00  The Kingdom of Heaven - How to experience its power on earth 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
23 May 2010 13:30  Playing to Your Strengths, Dealing with Weaknesses 
Gabriel Chan  0 
23 May 2010 10:00  The Three Anointings of the Spirit 
Colin Dye  4 
16 May 2010 18:00  A Invitation to Dinner 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
16 May 2010 16:00  Kingdom Attitudes 
Bruce Atkinson  0