Date Title Speaker Count  
16 May 2010 13:30  Road Blocks or Stepping Stones to Success 
Dudley Hanciles  0 
16 May 2010 10:00  Face the Giants 
Praise Olatona  0 
9 May 2010 18:00  When One Door Shuts, God Opens Another 
Teresia Wairimu  5 
9 May 2010 16:00  The Kingdom of Heaven Part 2 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
9 May 2010 13:30  Take a Firm Grip on Life 
Gabriel Chan  0 
9 May 2010 10:00  My Mouth is a Weapon of War 
Teresia Wairimu  2 
2 May 2010 18:00  Jesus Mission 
Kristian Lythe  1 
2 May 2010 16:00  The Kingdom of Heaven part 1 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
2 May 2010 13:30  Parenting Boys and Girls - Knowing their Different Needs 
Olly Goldenberg  0 
2 May 2010 10:00  Don't Let Go 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
25 Apr 2010 18:00  Facing your Giants 
Kristian Lythe  0 
25 Apr 2010 16:00  Paying the Price for Revival 
Colin Dye  0 
25 Apr 2010 13:30  Who is the Boss? Headship and Submission 
Gabriel Chan  1 
25 Apr 2010 10:00  The God of the Valleys 
Colin Dye  4 
18 Apr 2010 18:00  Are you walking in your Anointing? 
Roberts Liardon  17 
18 Apr 2010 16:00  Prayer that saves a city 
Colin Dye  2 
18 Apr 2010 13:30  Principles of Courtship 
Kristian Lythe  0 
18 Apr 2010 10:00  Freedom from Political Powers 
Colin Dye  10 
11 Apr 2010 18:00  The Finger of God 
Bruce Atkinson  2 
11 Apr 2010 16:00  The Flesh vs. The Spirit 
Bruce Atkinson  2