Date Title Speaker Count  
5 Sep 2010 16:00  Inheriting the Kingdom Part 1 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
5 Sep 2010 13:30  Knowing the Servant King 
Gabriel Chan  0 
5 Sep 2010 10:00  Working the works of God 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
29 Aug 2010 10:00  Building for Life Success 
Andre Roeberts  0 
22 Aug 2010 16:00  Treasures in Jars of Clay 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
22 Aug 2010 13:30  From Throne room to Marketplace 
Gabriel Chan  0 
22 Aug 2010 10:00  Fathers Love 
Heidi Baker  8 
22 Aug 2010 08:00  He Chose us! 
Heidi Baker  7 
15 Aug 2010 18:00  Never giving up Faith 
Kristian Lythe  0 
15 Aug 2010 16:00  Wielding the Sword of the Spirit 
Bruce Atkinson  3 
15 Aug 2010 13:30  True Worship 
Gabriel Chan  0 
15 Aug 2010 10:00  Breastplate of Righteousness 
Bruce Atkinson  2 
8 Aug 2010 18:00  Strengthening the Things That are Weak 
Praise Olatona  0 
8 Aug 2010 16:00  Being Led by the Spirit 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
8 Aug 2010 13:30  Dwelling in the Presence of the Most High 
Kristian Lythe  0 
8 Aug 2010 10:00  The Glory of the Gospel 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
1 Aug 2010 16:00  Fellow Workers 
Dudley Hanciles  0 
1 Aug 2010 13:30  The Power of a God Encounter 
Kristian Lythe  0 
1 Aug 2010 10:00  Freedom From Demonic Powers 
Colin Dye  14 
25 Jul 2010 18:00  I saw Heaven 
Roberts Liardon  15