Recent sermons
Date | Title | Count | |
22 Aug 2010 12:00 | The verge of Jordan (Joshua 3:1-17) |
123 | |
21 Mar 2008 | Good Friday Services: Good Friday Services (Matthew 27:32-44, ) |
69 | |
21 Mar 2008 | Good Friday Services: Good Friday services (Matthew 27:1-10, 1) |
112 | |
28 Nov 2004 | Special Services: Give me this mountain (Joshua 14:8-15) |
52 | |
28 Nov 2004 | Special Services: The call from the shore (John 21:1-25) |
47 | |
28 Oct 2004 | The Work of the Gospel : The life that works (1 Thessalonians 4:1-12) |
44 | |
10 Oct 2004 | Who is the Real King?: Israel rejects her King (1 Samuel 8:1-22) |
68 | |
12 Sep 2004 | Meekness is Strength: Making it clear where you stand (2 Corinthians 1:12-22) |
47 | |
8 Aug 2004 | When God's People Pray: We know the glorious Father (Ephesians 1:15-21) |
50 | |
4 Jul 2004 | Christ the All Supreme: 'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart' (Colossians 3:12-4:1) |
58 | |
13 Jun 2004 | The Universal Jesus (Eight great claims from John's Gospel): I AM the resurrection and the life (John 11:17-44) |
38 | |
16 May 2004 | Christ the All Supreme: 'Being strengthened with all power' (Colossians 1:9-14) |
47 | |
9 May 2004 | The Universal Jesus (Eight great claims from John's Gospel): I AM the bread of life (John 6:25-59) |
52 | |
18 Apr 2004 | When I Survey ... (The Impact of the Cross): I can overcome powerfully (Revelation 12:1-17) |
35 | |
11 Apr 2004 | When I Survey ... (The Impact of the Cross): I can rise with Christ (Colossians 2:20-3:11) |
32 | |
9 Apr 2004 | Good Friday Services: The Cross overcomes evil, unites nations & restores the universe (Revelation 12:7-12) |
28 | |
9 Apr 2004 | Good Friday Services: The Cross explains history, brings forgiveness & brings access (Revelation 5) |
41 | |
14 Mar 2004 | Straightening Out a Crooked Church (Sermons from the Book of Titus): The lesson that must be learned (Titus 3:9-15) |
55 | |
7 Mar 2004 | Entering Into the Promises (Sermons from the Book of Joshua): Resisting discouragement (Joshua 8:30-35) |
46 | |
1 Feb 2004 | Special Services: God's river of love (Membership Sunday 2004) (1 John 4) |
33 |