Date Title Church
19 May 2024  Joshua Renews The Covenant With The Victorious Lord
(Joshua 8) 
Second CRC of Kalamazoo, MI
(Mark VanderHart
02 May 2021  God's word is powerful and effective
(Joshua 8) 
Becontree Church 
07 Mar 2021  Joshua 8
(Joshua 8) 
St Andrews Free Church 
09 Feb 2020  Failure and success; sin and repentance
(Joshua 8) 
Christ Church Bradford
(Tim Mills
09 Feb 2020  Dealing with sin that causes failure
(Joshua 8) 
Christ Church Bradford
(Tim Mills
20 Oct 2019  After Forgiveness
(Joshua 8) 
Chessington Evangelical Church The King's Centre 
20 Oct 2019  After Forgiveness
(Joshua 8) 
Chessington Evangelical Church The King's Centre 
20 Oct 2019  After Forgiveness
(Joshua 8) 
Chessington Evangelical Church The King's Centre 
20 Oct 2019  The Blessing and Curse of Battle and Covenant
(Joshua 8) 
Trinity Church York 
21 Oct 2018  Joshua 8
(Joshua 8) 
ELT Baptist Church 
21 Oct 2018  Joshua 8
(Joshua 8) 
ELT Baptist Church 
28 Jan 2018  God in action
(Joshua 8) 
Cambridge Presbyterian Church 
04 Jun 2017  God is our Salvation: Joshua 8
(Joshua 8) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Jenny Bollans
20 Nov 2016  20 Nov pm: God's Reassuring Word of Promise
(Joshua 8) 
The Tron Church Glasgow
(Paul Brennan
05 Apr 2016  “Fear Not Apr 03,2016
(Joshua 8) 
Four Points Church 
07 Feb 2016  2. The Seriousness of Sin,
(Joshua 8) 
Emmanuel Wimbledon
(James Ballinger
01 Mar 2015  Why do religions create war?
(Joshua 8) 
Mutley Baptist Church
(Tim Searle
01 Mar 2015  Why do religions create war?
(Joshua 8) 
Mutley Baptist Church
(Tim Searle
01 Mar 2015  Why do religions create war?
(Joshua 8) 
Mutley Baptist Church
(Tim Searle
09 Feb 2015  Joshua 8
(Joshua 8) 
St Andrews Free Church