Date Title Speaker Count  
29 Oct 1995  Christians Under Pressure:
Are you sure we should be persecuted?
(1 Thessalonians 2:14-3:13
John Stott  74 
29 Oct 1995  No Way but God's Way:
No right to sulk
(Jonah 4
Rico Tice  69 
22 Oct 1995  No Way but God's Way:
No time to loose
(Jonah 3
Richard Bewes  21 
19 Oct 1995  Life under the Sun:
Remember your creator
(Ecclesiastes 12:1-14
John Cook  54 
15 Oct 1995  Christians Under Pressure:
Are you sure we're Christians?
(1 Thessalonians 1:4-10
Stephen Wookey  19 
15 Oct 1995  No Way but God's Way:
No place to hide
(Jonah 2
John Cook  18 
12 Oct 1995  Life under the Sun:
Life is a lottery
(Ecclesiastes 9:1-18
John Cook  25 
8 Oct 1995  Guest Services:
Christianity - a psychological crutch?
(Luke 9
Rico Tice  37 
5 Oct 1995  Life under the Sun:
The Tragedy of loneliness
(Ecclesiastes 4:1-5:7
John Cook  44 
1 Oct 1995  Christians Under Pressure:
Are you sure Christ is king?
(1 Thessalonians 1:1-3
Richard Bewes  16 
1 Oct 1995  No Way but God's Way:
Nowhere to run
(Jonah 1
David Turner  29 
28 Sep 1995  Life under the Sun:
God in control
(Ecclesiastes 3:1-22
John Cook  21 
24 Sep 1995  Special Services:
The power of God 
Franklin Graham  15 
24 Sep 1995  Special Services:
Proverbs and the poor
(Deuteronomy 15
John Stott  75 
21 Sep 1995  Life under the Sun:
Hints of hope
(Ecclesiastes 1
John Cook  33 
17 Sep 1995  A Reversal of Values:
Losing is winning
(Luke 14:25-35
John Stott  80 
17 Sep 1995  The Christian Life:
How to make progress 
Cliff Barrows  31 
14 Sep 1995  Lunchtime Services:
Where are we going
(Psalm 1
Rico Tice  43 
10 Sep 1995  The Christian Life:
How to keep centred
(John 12:20-36
Andy Rider  30 
10 Sep 1995  A Reversal of Values:
Last is first
(Luke 14:15-24
Stephen Wookey  25