Date Title Speaker Count  
8 Dec 1996  Follow the Rock (The Birth Pains of Christ's Coming):
A charter is introduced
(Luke 1:46-55
Richard Bewes  20 
5 Dec 1996  The Sin of Half Heartedness:
(Malachi 2:10-16
John Cook  28 
1 Dec 1996  Cameos of the End-Times (Four Parables):
A nocturnal burglar
(Matthew 24:36-44
John Stott  73 
1 Dec 1996  Follow the Rock (The Birth Pains of Christ's Coming):
A deliver is predicted
(Isaiah 9:1-7
David Turner  37 
28 Nov 1996  The Sin of Half Heartedness:
(Malachi 1:6-2:9
Richard Bewes  18 
24 Nov 1996  Credible Christians:
How can we help one another?
(James 5:12-19
John Cook  30 
24 Nov 1996  Follow the Rock (The Birth Pains of Christ's Coming):
A captivity is endured
(2 Chronicles 36:5-23
Rico Tice  24 
21 Nov 1996  The Sin of Half Heartedness:
(Malachi 1:1-5
John Cook  19 
17 Nov 1996  Credible Christians:
What is our perspective for living
(James 4:13-5:11
Gordon Bridger  32 
17 Nov 1996  Follow the Rock (The Birth Pains of Christ's Coming):
A regression is challenged
(1 Kings 18:20-39
Richard Bewes  19 
10 Nov 1996  Credible Christians:
Where do conflicts come from
(James 4:1-12
Richard Bewes  39 
7 Nov 1996  The Gospel According to Jesus :
He offers a yoke of rest
(Matthew 11:25-30
Tim Vickers  22 
3 Nov 1996  Follow the Rock (The Birth Pains of Christ's Coming):
A nation is forged
(Joshua 24:1-27
John Stott  70 
3 Nov 1996  Credible Christians:
How do we explain todays disorder
(James 3:1-18
John Cook  22 
31 Oct 1996  The Gospel According to Jesus :
He condemns a hardened heart
(John 13:18-30
Richard Bewes  26 
27 Oct 1996  Credible Christians:
How do faith and works relate
(James 2:14-26
Rico Tice  33 
27 Oct 1996  Follow the Rock (The Birth Pains of Christ's Coming):
A people is redeemed
(Exodus 2:23-3:15
John Cook  20 
24 Oct 1996  The Gospel According to Jesus :
He teaches about obedience
(Luke 6:46-49
John Cook  22 
20 Oct 1996  Credible Christians:
How can we outlaw discrimination
(James 2:1-13
Richard Bewes  28 
20 Oct 1996  Follow the Rock (The Birth Pains of Christ's Coming):
A family is chosen
(Genesis 15:1-20
Alec Motyer  86