Date Title Speaker Count  
26 May 2002  I Saw Christ's Glory (Sermons from Isaiah):
Seeing His Power
(Isaiah 48:12-16
Paul Blackham  34 
26 May 2002  The Church Reaches Out (The Story of the Early Church):
'Everything in common'
(Acts 2:42-47
Dallas Willard  35 
23 May 2002  Is Life Just a Game of Dice ? :
A greedy life
(Ecclesiastes 5:8-20
Chris Wright  50 
19 May 2002  The Church Reaches Out (The Story of the Early Church):
'This is that'
(Acts 2:1-16
David Turner  23 
19 May 2002  Guest Services:
Out of the black shadows
(Mark 10:49
Stephen Lungu  23 
16 May 2002  Is Life Just a Game of Dice ? :
An awesome life
(Ecclesiastes 5:13-7
Paul Williams  26 
12 May 2002  The Church Reaches Out (The Story of the Early Church):
'This same Jesus'
(Acts 1:1-11
Rupert Higgins  22 
12 May 2002  I Saw Christ's Glory (Sermons from Isaiah):
Seeing His Cross
(Isaiah 52:13-53:1
Paul Williams  22 
9 May 2002  Is Life Just a Game of Dice ? :
A lonely life
(Ecclesiastes 4:7-12
Tom Parsons  28 
5 May 2002  Guest Services:
'Trust me'
(Matthew 8:5-13
Paul Williams  26 
5 May 2002  Guest Services:
Gifts for the gifted
(Mark 10:17-31
Rico Tice  37 
2 May 2002  Is Life Just a Game of Dice ? :
An oppressed life
(Ecclesiastes 4:1-6
Paul Williams  37 
28 Apr 2002  I Saw Christ's Glory (Sermons from Isaiah):
Seeing His ministry
(Isaiah 49:1-7
Rico Tice  29 
28 Apr 2002  The Glorious Church of God (Sermons on the Letter to the Ephesians):
Asserting the victory of Christ
(Ephesians 6:10-24
Paul Blackham  76 
25 Apr 2002  Lunchtime Specials:
What am I worth?
(Luke 15:11-32
Rupert Higgins  20 
21 Apr 2002  The Glorious Church of God (Sermons on the Letter to the Ephesians):
Submitting in reverence to Christ
(Ephesians 6:1-9
Rico Tice  45 
21 Apr 2002  I Saw Christ's Glory (Sermons from Isaiah):
Seeing His forerunner
(Isaiah 40:1-5
Richard Bewes  35 
18 Apr 2002  Miscellaneous Lunchtime Services:
Light in the darkness
(2 Corinthians 4:1-6
Paul Williams  25 
14 Apr 2002  The Glorious Church of God (Sermons on the Letter to the Ephesians):
Engaged to be married to Christ
(Ephesians 5:21-33
Paul Williams  43 
14 Apr 2002  Miscellaneous Occasional Series:
Gospel focus - the ironies of the Cross
(Matthew 27:27-42
Don Carson  33