Date Title Speaker Count  
12 Sep 2002  The House That God Built:
The architect's plan
(Haggai 2:1-9
Paul Williams  21 
8 Sep 2002  Dialogue with God (Sermons from the Prophecy of Malachi):
A question of service
(Malachi 3:13-4:6
Paul Williams  32 
8 Sep 2002  Endurance in an Instant Society (Psalms of Discipleship):
'The Lord has done great things for us'
(Psalm 126:1-6
Andy Rider  21 
5 Sep 2002  The House That God Built:
A house in ruins
(Haggai 1:1-15
Paul Williams  23 
1 Sep 2002  Dialogue with God (Sermons from the Prophecy of Malachi):
A question of obedience
(Malachi 3:7-12
Paul Blackham  32 
1 Sep 2002  Endurance in an Instant Society (Psalms of Discipleship):
'We have escaped'
(Psalm 124:1-8
Rupert Higgins  24 
25 Aug 2002  Dialogue with God (Sermons from the Prophecy of Malachi):
A question of justice
(Malachi 2:17-3:6
Richard Bewes  66 
25 Aug 2002  Endurance in an Instant Society (Psalms of Discipleship):
'We have endured'
(Psalm 123:1-4
Michael Reeves  68 
18 Aug 2002  Trinitarian Truth:
The work of the Spirit
(John 16:5-15
John Stott  209 
18 Aug 2002  Endurance in an Instant Society (Psalms of Discipleship):
'I rejoiced'
(Psalm 122:1-9
Richard Bewes  29 
11 Aug 2002  Trinitarian Truth:
The Cross of Christ
(Galatians 2:15-21
John Stott  205 
11 Aug 2002  Endurance in an Instant Society (Psalms of Discipleship):
'I lift up my eyes'
(Psalm 121:1-8
Paul Williams  36 
4 Aug 2002 12:00  'Call on the Lord'
(Psalm 120
Rico Tice  102 
4 Aug 2002  Trinitarian Truth:
The love of God
(Romans 5:1-11
John Stott  172 
28 Jul 2002  Not By Bread Alone (Sermons from Deuteronomy 1-11):
Two ways to live
(Deuteronomy 10
Rupert Higgins  42 
28 Jul 2002  Dialogue with God (Sermons from the Prophecy of Malachi):
A question of faithfulness
(Malachi 2:10-16
Rico Tice  81 
21 Jul 2002  Not By Bread Alone (Sermons from Deuteronomy 1-11):
The danger of self-righteousness
(Deuteronomy 9:1-6
David Turner  33 
21 Jul 2002  Dialogue with God (Sermons from the Prophecy of Malachi):
A question of honour
(Malachi 2:1-9
Rupert Higgins  26 
18 Jul 2002  To Boldly Go:
Acknowledging Jesus
(Matthew 10:32-42
David Ould  39 
14 Jul 2002  Dialogue with God (Sermons from the Prophecy of Malachi):
A question of respect
(Malachi 1:6-14
Paul Williams  40