Date Title Speaker Count  
21 Apr 2002  I Saw Christ's Glory (Sermons from Isaiah):
Seeing His forerunner
(Isaiah 40:1-5
Richard Bewes  34 
18 Apr 2002  Miscellaneous Lunchtime Services:
Light in the darkness
(2 Corinthians 4:1-6
Paul Williams  24 
14 Apr 2002  The Glorious Church of God (Sermons on the Letter to the Ephesians):
Engaged to be married to Christ
(Ephesians 5:21-33
Paul Williams  43 
14 Apr 2002  Miscellaneous Occasional Series:
Gospel focus - the ironies of the Cross
(Matthew 27:27-42
Don Carson  33 
11 Apr 2002  Miscellaneous Lunchtime Services:
Stuck in the darkness
(Luke 16:19-31
Rico Tice  25 
7 Apr 2002  I Saw Christ's Glory (Sermons from Isaiah):
Seeing His birth
(Isaiah 7:1-17
Paul Williams  23 
7 Apr 2002  The Glorious Church of God (Sermons on the Letter to the Ephesians):
Shining the light of Christ
(Ephesians 5:1-20
Rupert Higgins  46 
31 Mar 2002  Easter Services:
No power like Christ's power
(2 Timothy 1:8-14
Richard Bewes  25 
31 Mar 2002  Easter Services:
'If Christ had not been raised...'
(1 Corinthians 15:1-20
John Stott  164 
29 Mar 2002  Good Friday Services:
The magnetism of the Cross (Good Friday 2002)
(John 19:23-27
All Souls Staff  20 
29 Mar 2002  Good Friday Services:
The magnetism of the Cross (Good Friday 2002)
(John 17:1-12
All Souls Staff  23 
28 Mar 2002  Understanding the Resurrection:
Fulfilled but incomplete
(Matthew 28:16-20
Paul Williams  22 
24 Mar 2002  Guest Services:
It's make or break time
(Isaiah 8:5-15
David Peterson  40 
24 Mar 2002  Easter Encounters:
The predicted King
(Matthew 21:1-11
David Turner  21 
21 Mar 2002  2002:
Amazing yet predicted
(Luke 24:13-35
Rico Tice  21 
17 Mar 2002  At the Centre of the Kingdom (The Sermon on the Mount):
Practise His words
(Matthew 7:24-29
Andy Rider  25 
14 Mar 2002  Understanding the Resurrection:
Transformed yet normal
(John 21:1-14
Richard Bewes  18 
10 Mar 2002  At the Centre of the Kingdom (The Sermon on the Mount):
Watch for the wolves
(Matthew 7:15-23
Rico Tice  34 
10 Mar 2002  The Glorious Church of God (Sermons on the Letter to the Ephesians):
Living as the body of Christ
(Ephesians 4:17-5:2
Richard Bewes  35 
7 Mar 2002  Understanding the Resurrection:
Faith or fear
(Mark 16:1-8
Paul Williams  53