Date Title Speaker Count  
30 May 2004  Special Services:
'Can these bones live?'
(Ezekiel 37:1-14
Mark Prentice  21 
27 May 2004  Rejection or Recognition?:
Water works
(Matthew 14:22-36
Rupert Higgins  33 
23 May 2004  The Universal Jesus (Eight great claims from John's Gospel):
I am the door
(John 10:1-10
Rupert Higgins  18 
23 May 2004  Christ the All Supreme:
'In him all things hold together'
(Colossians 1:15-23
Paul Blackham  35 
16 May 2004  Christ the All Supreme:
'Being strengthened with all power'
(Colossians 1:9-14
Richard Bewes  46 
16 May 2004  Christ the All Supreme:
'Being strengthened with all power'
(Colossians 1:9-14
John Stott  193 
16 May 2004  The Universal Jesus (Eight great claims from John's Gospel):
I AM the light of the world
(John 8:12-30
Chris Wright  37 
13 May 2004  Rejection or Recognition?:
Party tricks
(Matthew 13:53-14:1
Paul Williams  26 
13 May 2004  Rejection or Recognition?:
Food for thought
(Matthew 14:13-21
Paul Williams  39 
9 May 2004  Christ the All Supreme:
'All over the world this Gospel is bearing fruit'
(Colossians 1:1-8
Rupert Higgins  21 
9 May 2004  The Universal Jesus (Eight great claims from John's Gospel):
I AM the bread of life
(John 6:25-59
Richard Bewes  51 
6 May 2004  Lunchtime Specials:
The world's greatest need
(Luke 5:17-26
Paul Williams  22 
2 May 2004  Guest Services:
What are you worth?
(Luke 15:11-32
Rupert Higgins  23 
2 May 2004  Guest Services:
How much are you loved?
(Luke 7:36-50
Paul Williams  26 
29 Apr 2004  Resurrection Reports:
Room-service report
(Luke 24:36-53
Jago Wynne  17 
25 Apr 2004  When I Survey ... (The Impact of the Cross):
I can give sacrificially
(2 Corinthians 8:1-15
Rupert Higgins  20 
25 Apr 2004  When I Survey ... (The Impact of the Cross):
I can witness fearlessly
(2 Corinthians 5:11-21
Paul Williams  27 
22 Apr 2004  Resurrection Reports:
Roadside report
(Luke 24:1-35
Jago Wynne  23 
18 Apr 2004  When I Survey ... (The Impact of the Cross):
I can suffer with Christ
(1 Peter 4:12-19
Michael Reeves  66 
18 Apr 2004  When I Survey ... (The Impact of the Cross):
I can overcome powerfully
(Revelation 12:1-17
Richard Bewes  34