Date Title Speaker Count  
5 Jun 2005  Workplace Sunday:
Working priorities
(1 Peter 2:18-25
Paul Williams  30 
5 Jun 2005  Workplace Sunday:
Working principles
(Ephesians 2:8-10
Jago Wynne  21 
2 Jun 2005  Questioning Jesus :
'Will you show us the Father?'
(John 14:8-21
Mark Prentice  32 
29 May 2005  Then You Will Know That I Am God:
God leaves his own temple
(Ezekiel 8:1-10:22
David Turner  88 
29 May 2005  Faith in the Dark (Sermons from the Book of Job):
Job - reversal in suffering
(Job 42:7-17
Michael Reeves  186 
26 May 2005  Questioning Jesus :
'How can we know the way?'
(John 14:5-7
Richard Izard  18 
22 May 2005  Faith in the Dark (Sermons from the Book of Job):
Job: revelation in suffering
(Job 38 - 42:6
Rupert Higgins  55 
22 May 2005  Then You Will Know That I Am God:
God attacks his own city
(Ezekiel 4:1-5:17
Paul Williams  44 
19 May 2005  Questioning Jesus :
'Where are you going?'
(John 13:31-14:4
Jago Wynne  17 
15 May 2005  Faith in the Dark (Sermons from the Book of Job):
Job: rebuked in suffering
(Job 32
David Turner  106 
12 May 2005  Questioning Jesus :
'Who is it?'
(John 13:18-30
Jago Wynne  25 
8 May 2005  Then You Will Know That I Am God:
God arrives in Babylon
(Ezekiel 1:1-28
Chris Wright  71 
8 May 2005  Faith in the Dark (Sermons from the Book of Job):
Job: wrestling with suffering
(Job 19
Paul Williams  62 
5 May 2005  Questioning Jesus :
'Are you my servant?'
(John 13:1-17
Rupert Higgins  53 
1 May 2005  Guest Services:
'What are we waiting for?'
(Revelation 21:1-5
Paul Williams  33 
1 May 2005  Faith in the Dark (Sermons from the Book of Job):
Job: reverent in suffering
(Job 1:1-2:10
Paul Blackham  50 
28 Apr 2005  Lunchtime Specials:
Living and working in an uncertain world
(James 4:13-15
Jago Wynne  21 
24 Apr 2005  Guest Services:
Good news to die for
(Mark 8:34-38
Rupert Higgins  23 
24 Apr 2005  Guest Services:
'Wine, women and song'
(Ecclesiastes 2:1-11
Paul Williams  36 
21 Apr 2005  The Grace Factor:
Grace and power
(Matthew 20:17-34
Paul Williams  27