Date Title Speaker  
11 Jun 2020 20:00  Jesus: a sceptic's guide:
thumbnail for Jesus: a sceptic's guideThe Offer of Peace 
Tom Heasman 
7 Jun 2020 16:00  Jesus: a sceptic's guide:
thumbnail for Jesus: a sceptic's guideThe offer of Satisfaction
(John 6:24-35) 
Tom Heasman 
31 May 2020 16:00  God's Hidden Kindness:
thumbnail for God's Hidden Kindness God's kindness that enables us to break with our past life
(Ruth 3) 
Andrew Latimer 
27 May 2020 19:15  Bitesize theology:
thumbnail for Bitesize theology Church: Male and Female Roles in Church 
Andrew Sach 
24 May 2020 16:00  God's Hidden Kindness:
thumbnail for God's Hidden Kindness God's kindness for all who take refuge in him
(Ruth 2) 
Andrew Latimer