Date Title Speaker  
5 Jul 2020 16:00  Going Global:
thumbnail for Going Global 2. The foundation
(Acts 1:12-26) 
Andrew Sach 
28 Jun 2020 16:00  Going Global:
thumbnail for Going Global 1. The promise
(Acts 1:1-11) 
Andrew Sach 
21 Jun 2020 16:00  God's Hidden Kindness:
thumbnail for God's Hidden Kindness Why Jesus is the real answer to racial injustice
(Ruth 4) 
Andrew Latimer 
17 Jun 2020 19:15  Bitesize theology:
thumbnail for Bitesize theology Special: Race & Racism 
Raymond Brown 
14 Jun 2020 16:00  Jesus: a sceptic's guide:
thumbnail for Jesus: a sceptic's guideThe Offer of Hope
(John 11:17-37) 
Tom Heasman