Date Title Speaker  
17 Oct 2020 11:30  Justice in the Book of Samuel - Weekend away autumn 2020:
Session 2 
Ben Thompson 
11 Oct 2020 19:00  Big Questions:
thumbnail for Big QuestionsWhat would Jesus say to Black Lives Matter? 
Andrew Sach 
11 Oct 2020 16:00  The lengths to which love will go:
thumbnail for The lengths to which love will go How can a death 2000 years ago be relevant today?
(John 19:30-37) 
Andrew Sach 
4 Oct 2020 16:00  The lengths to which love will go:
thumbnail for The lengths to which love will goWhat if Jesus’ death was planned?
(John 19:16b-30) 
Andrew Sach 
27 Sep 2020 16:00  The lengths to which love will go:
thumbnail for The lengths to which love will go If christianity is true, why doesn’t everyone believe?
(John 19:1-16a) 
Andrew Sach