Date Title Speaker Count  
1 Feb 2015 12:00  5. Everyone's battle
(Matthew 5:27-30
Robin Weekes  36 
25 Jan 2015 12:00  4. Why irreligion doesn't help
(Romans 3:1-20
Richard Dryer  27 
25 Jan 2015 12:00  4. What matters more than coming to church
(Matthew 5:21-26
Robin Weekes  29 
18 Jan 2015 12:00  3. The law filled full 
Robin Weekes  8 
18 Jan 2015 12:00  3. Why religion doesn't help 
John Adams  25 
11 Jan 2015 12:00  2. A terrible exchange
(Romans 1:18-32
John Adams  24 
11 Jan 2015 12:00  2. Why the church is different from the world
(Matthew 5:13-16
Robin Weekes  20 
4 Jan 2015 12:00  1. How to have a blessed 2015!
(Matthew 5:1-12
Robin Weekes  28 
4 Jan 2015 12:00  1. The gospel is for Christians as well
(Romans 1:1-17
John Adams  16 
28 Dec 2014 12:00  What will be our security in 2015?
(Romans 8:31-39
Robin Thomson  3 
21 Dec 2014 12:00  4. Gazing on Grace
(John 1:18
Robin Weekes  3 
21 Dec 2014 12:00  4. Death Destroyer 
John Adams  6 
14 Dec 2014 12:00  3. Seeing Salvation
(John 1:14
Robin Weekes  12 
14 Dec 2014 12:00  3. Death Destroyer
(1 John 3:8
Richard Dryer  5 
7 Dec 2014 12:00  2.The true Light
(John 1:6-13
Richard Dryer  3 
7 Dec 2014 12:00  2. Marvellous mystery
(1 Timothy 3:16
John Adams  5 
30 Nov 2014 12:00  1. The eternal Word
(John 1:1-1:5
Richard Dryer  3 
30 Nov 2014 12:00  1. One with us, one with him
(1 John 1:1-1:4
Robin Weekes  5 
23 Nov 2014 12:00  6. When suffering comes pray for the future
(Lamentations 5:1-5:22
Robin Weekes  13 
23 Nov 2014 12:00  11. The gospel underlined
(Galatians 6:11-6:18
Richard Dryer  4