Date Title Speaker Count  
29 Jun 2014 12:00  6. Resurrected bodies
(1 Corinthians 15:35-58
Robin Weekes  3 
29 Jun 2014 12:00  Baptism/Re-affirmation of baptismal vows
(2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Robin Weekes  2 
22 Jun 2014 12:00  Does winning really matter?
(Luke 18:9-14
Rupert Shelley  12 
22 Jun 2014 12:00  5. Are Christians losers?
(1 Corinthians 15:12-34
Robin Weekes  3 
15 Jun 2014 12:00  4. What is the gospel?
(1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Robin Weekes  4 
15 Jun 2014 12:00  5. Bring it on!
(Revelation 22:6-21
John Adams  3 
8 Jun 2014 12:00  4. The New Eden
(Revelation 22:1-22:6
John Adams  4 
8 Jun 2014 12:00  3. All Christians must edify
(1 Corinthians 14:1-14:40
Robin Weekes  5 
1 Jun 2014 12:00  3. The New Jerusalem
(Revelation 21:9-21:27
John Adams  1 
1 Jun 2014 12:00  2. All Christians must love
(1 Corinthians 13-13
Robin Weekes  3 
25 May 2014 12:00  2. The New Earth and Heavens
(Revelation 21:1-21:8
John Adams  6 
25 May 2014 12:00  1. All Christians are spiritual
(1 Corinthians 12:1-12:31
Robin Weekes  4 
18 May 2014 12:00  1. The End of Satan
(Revelation 20
John Adams  9 
18 May 2014 12:00  3. Led by overseers 2
(Acts 20:17-38
Robin Weekes  4 
11 May 2014 12:00  2. Godly leading Overseers
(1 Timothy 3:1-3:16
Robin Weekes  6 
11 May 2014 12:00  2. Led by Overseers 1
(Acts 20:17-20:38
Robin Weekes  3 
4 May 2014 12:00  1. Godly serving deacons
(1 Timothy 3
Robin Weekes  4 
4 May 2014 12:00  1. Served by deacons
(Acts 6:1-6:7
Robin Weekes  7 
27 Apr 2014 12:00  7. Being disciples, making disciples
(Matthew 28:16-28:20
Robin Weekes  18 
27 Apr 2014 12:00  Stand Firm
(2 Timothy 4:1-4:18
Rupert Shelley  8