Date Title Speaker Count  
15 Nov 2015 12:00  1. Rise and fall of empire
(Daniel 8
John Adams  21 
15 Nov 2015 12:00  3. God's faithful remnant
(Romans 11
Richard Dryer  11 
8 Nov 2015 12:00  Remembrance Sunday guest service 
Rupert Shelley  37 
8 Nov 2015  2. Christ's saving word
(Romans 9:30-10:21
Richard Dryer  15 
1 Nov 2015 12:00  Listen Up !
(Mark 4:1-20
Philip Keen  15 
1 Nov 2015 12:00  1. God's sovereign mercy
(Romans 9:1-29
Richard Dryer  19 
25 Oct 2015 12:00  4. Covenant renewal
(Deuteronomy 29
Robin Weekes  54 
25 Oct 2015  7. The Lord of the Sabbath
(Luke 5:33-6:11
John Adams  9 
18 Oct 2015 12:00  6. The doctor for the sick
(Luke 5:27-32
John Adams  10 
18 Oct 2015 12:00  3. Covenant Kids
(Deuteronomy 6
Robin Weekes  46 
11 Oct 2015 12:00  5. The forgiver of sins
(Luke 5:12-26
John Adams  14 
11 Oct 2015 12:00  2. Covenant signs
(Deuteronomy 10
Robin Weekes  32 
4 Oct 2015 12:00  4. The maker of disciples
(Luke 5:1-11
John Adams  24 
4 Oct 2015 12:00  1. Covenant love
(Deuteronomy 7
Robin Weekes  40 
27 Sep 2015 12:00  Trusting God's Promises
(Genesis 23
Garry Williams  45 
20 Sep 2015 12:00  3 I will quietly wait
(Habakkuk 3
Richard Dryer  12 
20 Sep 2015  3. The preacher of kingdom
(Luke 4-5
Robin Weekes  13 
13 Sep 2015 12:00  2. It will surely come
(Habakkuk 2
Richard Dryer  17 
13 Sep 2015 12:00  2. Why Jesus came
(Luke 4:16-30
Philip Keen  22 
6 Sep 2015 12:00  1. O Lord, how long? :1
(Habakkuk 1:1-2
Richard Dryer  19