Recent sermons

Date Title Count
7 Mar 2021 16:00  Jesus' antidote to anxietyJesus' antidote to anxiety:
The Fear Swap
(Mark 4:35-41
17 Feb 2021 19:15  Bitesize theologyBitesize theology:
Creation: New Creation 
31 Jan 2021 16:00  Armageddon, 666 and the end of the world: What does the Bible actually say?Armageddon, 666 and the end of the world: What does the Bible actually say?:
Martyrs to the cause
(Revelation 10-11
26 Jan 2021 19:15  Bitesize theologyBitesize theology:
Creation: Historical Adam 
24 Jan 2021 16:00  Armageddon, 666 and the end of the world: What does the Bible actually say?Armageddon, 666 and the end of the world: What does the Bible actually say?:
The Seven Trumpets
(Revelation 8:1-9:21
17 Jan 2021 16:00  Armageddon, 666 and the end of the world: What does the Bible actually say?Armageddon, 666 and the end of the world: What does the Bible actually say?:
"You've heard of the mark of the beast but..."
(Revelation 7
13 Jan 2021 19:15  Bitesize theologyBitesize theology:
Creation: "In the beginning, God..." 
10 Jan 2021 16:00  Armageddon, 666 and the end of the world: What does the Bible actually say?Armageddon, 666 and the end of the world: What does the Bible actually say?:
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
(Revelation 6
20 Dec 2020 16:00  Carol Service 
22 Nov 2020 10:30  The lengths to which love will goThe lengths to which love will go:
God's Word is exactly what we need!
(John 20:24-31
15 Nov 2020 10:30  The lengths to which love will goThe lengths to which love will go:
Resurrection accomplished, what's next?
(John 20:19-23
11 Oct 2020 19:00  Big QuestionsBig Questions:
What would Jesus say to Black Lives Matter? 
11 Oct 2020 16:00  The lengths to which love will goThe lengths to which love will go:
How can a death 2000 years ago be relevant today?
(John 19:30-37
4 Oct 2020 16:00  The lengths to which love will goThe lengths to which love will go:
What if Jesus’ death was planned?
(John 19:16b-30
27 Sep 2020 16:00  The lengths to which love will goThe lengths to which love will go:
If christianity is true, why doesn’t everyone believe?
(John 19:1-16a
9 Aug 2020 16:00  Going GlobalGoing Global:
7. The new community
(Acts 2:42-47
2 Aug 2020 16:00  Going GlobalGoing Global:
6. The Explosion
(Acts 2:37-41
5 Jul 2020 16:00  Going GlobalGoing Global:
2. The foundation
(Acts 1:12-26
28 Jun 2020 16:00  Going GlobalGoing Global:
1. The promise
(Acts 1:1-11
27 May 2020 19:15  Bitesize theologyBitesize theology:
Church: Male and Female Roles in Church 