Date Title Speaker Count
26 May 2024  If you could give one piece of advice what would it be?
(Acts 14:19-28
Andrew Latimer  77 
05 May 2024  "I'm not really the churchy type"
(Acts 16:6-40
Andrew Latimer  51 
21 Apr 2024  Messy Church
(Acts 15:36-16:5
Andrew Latimer  90 
24 Mar 2024  Is there any small print?
(Acts 15:1-35
Andrew Latimer  56 
17 Mar 2024  Through many dangers
(Acts 14:19-28
Andrew Latimer  60 
03 Mar 2024  How are we to live in a world that doesn’t share our outlook?
(Acts 14:8-20
Andrew Latimer  85 
25 Feb 2024  Unworthy of Eternal Life
(Acts 13:42 - 14:7
Andrew Latimer  57 
18 Feb 2024  The Promised Liberator
(Acts 13:13-43
Andrew Latimer  72 
11 Feb 2024  How are we to live in a world that doesn’t share our outlook?
(Acts 14:8-20
Andrew Latimer  51 
08 Oct 2023  "The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."
(Acts 12:25 - 13:12
Andrew Latimer  66 
01 Oct 2023  Who really rules the world?
(Acts 12:1-24
Jonny Tilford  60 
17 Sep 2023  Are we on-board with God disrupting our tidy traditions?
(Acts 11:1-18
Andrew Latimer  124 
10 Sep 2023  Is our vision too small and parochial?
(Acts 10: 1-48
Andrew Latimer  101 
04 Jun 2023  How much does being part of the (right) church matter?
(Acts 9:32-43
Andrew Latimer  100 
28 May 2023  "Don't find yourself on the wrong side of history"
(Acts 9:1-31
Andrew Latimer  115 
01 May 2022  How will the gospel reach the nations?
(Acts 9:1-19
Andrew Sach  95 
24 Apr 2022  Why is Christianity the only truly worldwide religion? (24/04 - Sunday Morning Service)
(Acts 8:26-40
Andrew Latimer  113 
03 Apr 2022  'Is our church a clique?'
(Acts 8:1-25
Andrew Sach  166 
13 Mar 2022  'How should the church relate to a society which doesn’t share its worldview?'
(Acts 7:54-8:4
Andrew Latimer  58 
06 Mar 2022  How can Christainity be true when so many experts say it's false?
(Acts 7:39-53
Andrew Latimer  105 
27 Feb 2022  Is Christianity new-fangled?
(Acts 7:1-39
Andrew Sach  124 
20 Feb 2022  ‘Who is your role model Christian?’
(Acts 6:8-7:1
Andrew Sach  120 
13 Feb 2022  What causes the church to grow?
(Acts 6:1-7
Andrew Sach  110 
06 Feb 2022  Why do we suffer as servants of Christ?
(Acts 5:27-42
Andrew Sach  129 
01 Aug 2021  When God puts the fear of God into us
(Acts 5:1-11
Andrew Sach  149 
25 Jul 2021  The church where no one was poor
(Acts 4:32-37
Andrew Sach  103 
18 Jul 2021  'Is God going to complete his plans or is it up to us?"
(Acts 4:23-31
Andrew Latimer  70 
04 Jul 2021  Jesus - a name to be reckoned with
(Acts 4:5-22
Andrew Sach  88 
27 Jun 2021  Is God For or Against Us?
(Acts 3:12 - 4:4
Andrew Latimer  66 
20 Jun 2021  What good reasons are there to believe?
(Acts 3:1-16
Andrew Latimer  129 
09 Aug 2020  7. The new community
(Acts 2:42-47
Andrew Sach  142 
02 Aug 2020  6. The Explosion
(Acts 2:37-41
Andrew Sach  83 
26 Jul 2020  5. The Global King
(Acts 2:22-36
Andrew Latimer  67 
19 Jul 2020  4. The End of the World
(Acts 2:12-23
Andrew Latimer  65 
12 Jul 2020  3. The Reversal of Babel
(Acts 2:1-13
Andrew Latimer  141 
05 Jul 2020  2. The foundation
(Acts 1:12-26
Andrew Sach  160 
28 Jun 2020  1. The promise
(Acts 1:1-11
Andrew Sach  270