Brian Leung
St Paul's Terrey Hills
Recent sermons
Date | Title | Count | |
24 Dec 2015 12:34 | The Word became Flesh - _1-18 (John 1) |
16 | |
19 Dec 2015 12:36 | The Word hard to Enduer - _17-3_5 (Malachi 2) |
2 | |
5 Dec 2015 12:54 | The Word of an Offering- -53 (Isaiah 52) |
2 | |
28 Nov 2015 23:40 | The Word of a Child (Isaiah 9:1-7) |
2 | |
25 Oct 2015 09:26 | I am the true vine (John 15:1) |
4 | |
6 Sep 2015 01:13 | Sealed with the Holy Spirit - b-14 (Ephesians 1:13) |
3 | |
9 Aug 2015 00:25 | Redeemed by blood (Ephesians 1:7-8) |
2 | |
12 Jul 2015 00:34 | You have rejected us (Psalm 60) |
8 | |
31 May 2015 00:58 | The crucial importance of being a Gospel-Shaped community - Acts4:32-5:11 |
6 | |
12 Apr 2015 00:27 | My anguished heart (Psalm 55) |
8 | |
7 Mar 2015 23:55 | Faith and Works (Romans 4:1-8) |
5 |