Gordon Fyles
Emmanuel Wimbledon
Recent sermons
Date | Title | Count | |
28 Oct 2012 12:00 | From riches to rags (Mark 12:35-12:44) |
28 | |
6 Oct 1996 12:00 | 4. The people of faith (Hebrews 11:29-11:31) |
5 | |
28 Jan 1996 12:00 | 2. Taking up the cross (Luke 9:18-9:27) |
7 | |
11 Dec 1994 12:00 | 3. The promised land & truth about the promises (Romans 11:1-11:24) |
0 | |
4 Dec 1994 12:00 | Open yr mouth 4 J w/out putting yr foot in it (Acts 8:26-8:40) |
1 | |
27 Nov 1994 12:00 | 1. The end of Jerusalem and the end of history (Matthew 24:1-24:14) |
6 | |
13 Nov 1994 12:00 | 3. "Through Christ" (Romans 5:1-5:11) |
2 | |
6 Nov 1994 12:00 | 2. "For Christ" (2 Corinthians 5) |
2 | |
23 Oct 1994 12:00 | 1. "In Christ" (Ephesians 1:1-1:14) |
4 | |
11 Sep 1994 12:00 | The thing God cannot do (James 1:12-1:18) |
4 | |
12 Jun 1994 12:00 | 4. Sin City blues (Acts 18:1-18:8) |
3 | |
5 Jun 1994 12:00 | 3. Toughing it out (Acts 17:1-17:15) |
4 | |
29 May 1994 12:00 | 2. Ladies first! (Acts 16) |
6 | |
22 May 1994 12:00 | 1. Getting the team together (Acts 15:5) |
3 | |
1 May 1994 12:00 | 4. Sterility no bar to paternity (Isaiah 51) |
1 | |
24 Apr 1994 12:00 | 3. Keeping the adrenaline flowing (Isaiah 34) |
2 | |
10 Apr 1994 12:00 | 1. Too late when the baby cries (Isaiah 8) |
6 | |
20 Mar 1994 12:00 | 3. The Garden of Gethsemane |
4 | |
13 Mar 1994 12:00 | 2. The upper room (Mark 14) |
4 | |
6 Mar 1994 12:00 | 1. The home at Bethany (Mark 14:3-14:9) |
5 |