Recent sermons
Date | Title | Count | |
15 May 2005 12:00 | 2. The miracles - fact or fiction? (John 20:26-20:27) |
13 | |
3 Apr 2005 12:00 | 1. Noah's Ark (Genesis 6:1-6:22) |
15 | |
13 Mar 2005 12:00 | 1. Gaining the world but losing your soul (Matthew 16:24-16:26) |
10 | |
20 Feb 2005 12:00 | 7. Fooled you! (Joshua 9) |
12 | |
13 Feb 2005 12:00 | 6. Recovery and renewal (Joshua 8) |
11 | |
30 Jan 2005 12:00 | 6. Joshua did not fight at Jericho (Joshua 5:2) |
6 | |
2 Jan 2005 12:00 | 7. Apocalypse now! (Daniel 7) |
6 | |
19 Dec 2004 12:00 | 2. Young People's Carols |
3 | |
5 Dec 2004 12:00 | 5. The Born Witness (Colossians 4:2-4:6) |
3 | |
28 Nov 2004 12:00 | 4. The Born Position (Colossians 3:1-3:17) |
7 | |
21 Nov 2004 12:00 | 3. The Born Ultimatum (Colossians 2:1-2:23) |
7 | |
14 Nov 2004 12:00 | 2. The Born Supremacy (Colossians 1:15-1:23) |
4 | |
7 Nov 2004 12:00 | 1. The Born Identity (Colossians 1:1-1:14) |
6 | |
31 Oct 2004 12:00 | 4. A maze of grace (Titus 3:3-3:15) |
6 | |
24 Oct 2004 12:00 | 3. To be or not to be (Titus 2:2) |
5 | |
17 Oct 2004 12:00 | 2. Men of Dishonour (Titus 1:1) |
3 | |
19 Sep 2004 12:00 | 2. One Man Rescued (Psalm 40:1-40:10) |
5 | |
12 Sep 2004 12:00 | 1. One Man in the Name of Love (John 3:16) |
6 | |
22 Aug 2004 12:00 | 3. Paul on Mars Hill (Acts 17) |
12 | |
1 Aug 2004 12:00 | 2. My servant Job, have you considered...? (Job 38:17) |
9 |