Date Title Church
28 Jul 2013  Protecting Gods creation
(Romans 8:19-28) 
St John's, Felbridge
(Andrew Leake
28 Jul 2013  Protecting Gods creation
(Romans 8:19-28) 
St John's, Felbridge
(Andrew Leake
28 Jul 2013  Protecting Gods creation
(Romans 8:19-28) 
St John's, Felbridge
(Andrew Leake
27 Oct 2018  Power to live!
(Romans 8:2) 
St Mellons Evangelical Baptist Church
(Andy Christofides
27 Oct 2018  Power to live!
(Romans 8:2) 
St Mellons Evangelical Baptist Church
(Andy Christofides
17 Sep 2017  How would you fix the world? Can we ever fix it?
(Romans 8:20-25) 
Charlotte Chapel
(Paul Rees
08 Jun 2008  Set free
(Romans 8:2) 
Cambridge Presbyterian Church
(Ian Hamilton
10 Jul 2022  Romans 8:22-30
(Romans 8:22-30) 
Eden Baptist 
21 Jun 2020  The Waiting Room
(Romans 8:22-25) 
Christ Church Cockfosters
(James Knowles
19 Mar 2020  What would Jesus say to ... Greta Thunberg?
(Romans 8:22–25) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Alastair Gledhill
12 Nov 2017  Waiting With Hope
(Romans 8:22-25) 
Church at the Cross
(JR Vassar
12 Nov 2017  Waiting With Hope
(Romans 8:22-25) 
Church at the Cross 
12 Feb 2012  Life by the Spirit - Romans 8:22 - 25
(Romans 8:22 - 25) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Vincent Buchanan
12 Feb 2012  Life by the Spirit - Romans 8:22 - 25
(Romans 8:22 - 25) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Vincent Buchanan
04 Jun 2023  The Redemption of our Bodies
(Romans 8:23-25) 
Holy Trinity Lyonsdown 
23 May 2021  Paul Billings - Romans 8:23 (Romans 8:23
(Romans 8:23</strong><br />) 
Capitol Hill Baptist Church
(Paul Billings
17 Mar 2019  God's Grace Better Than We Think 7
(Romans 8:23-2) 
Immanuel Nashville
(David Filson
17 Mar 2019  God's Grace Better Than We Think 7
(Romans 8:23-2) 
Immanuel Nashville
(David Filson
19 Aug 2018  More than meets the eye
(Romans 8:23–27) 
St Andrew's Church Oxford
(Dan Heyward
19 Mar 2017  If you aren't groaning, you should be!
(Romans 8:23) 
Eden Baptist