Date Title Church
30 Dec 2016  The Lord of the Broken Hearted
(Psalm 147) 
Grace Evangelical Church, Sharjah 
02 Oct 2016  I know how the story ends
(Psalm 147) 
Christ Church Mayfair
(Phil Allcock
12 Jun 2016  'PRAISE THE LORD'
(Psalm 147) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Hugh Palmer
12 Jun 2016  'PRAISE THE LORD'
(Psalm 147) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Hugh Palmer
29 May 2016  Matt Merker - Broken, but not Forgotten
(Psalm 147) 
Capitol Hill Baptist Church
(Matt Merker
22 May 2016  Together at the Town Hall
(Psalm 147) 
St Ebbes, Oxford
(Vaughan Roberts
11 May 2016  11 May: Praise the Saviour and the Creator
(Psalm 147) 
The Tron Church Glasgow
(Bob Fyall
17 Apr 2016  What is Real Life, and How do we Get it?
(Psalm 147) 
Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church (EBFC)
(Dick Bickings
17 Apr 2016  What is Real Life, and How do we Get it?
(Psalm 147) 
Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church (EBFC)
(Dick Bickings
17 Apr 2016  What is Real Life, and How do we Get it?
(Psalm 147) 
Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church (EBFC)
(Dick Bickings
31 May 2015  All’s well that ends well
(Psalm 147) 
Christ Church Mayfair
(Phil Allcock
22 Apr 2012  2. Praise the God of the Church
(Psalm 147) 
Emmanuel Wimbledon
(Christopher Ash
20 Nov 2011  Psalm 147
(Psalm 147) 
Holyrood Evangelical Church
(Christopher Bechtel
07 Aug 2005  The meteorological master
(Psalm 147) 
St Andrew the Great
(Brian Elfick
19 Mar 2023  Infinite, Unchanging And Everywhere
(Psalm 147:1-20) 
Belvidere Road Church
(Ian Higham
08 Aug 2021  Grateful Praise
(Psalm 147:1-20) 
Inspire at Saint James Clerkenwell 
17 Nov 2019  The Fear of God
(Psalm 147:10-11) 
Mutley Baptist Church
(Simon Applebee
18 Aug 2019  The LORD builds up Jerusalem
(Psalm 147:1-20) 
Christ Church Bromley
(Michael Lumgair
12 Jan 2014  Psalm 147
(Psalm 147:1-20) 
Emmanuel Church Bath
(Jonny Norris