Date Title Church
17 Aug 2014  Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
(Luke 13:10-2) 
Lancaster Baptist Church CA
(Paul Chappell
03 Aug 2014  Who Needs to Repent
(Luke 13:1) 
Lancaster Baptist Church CA
(Paul Chappell
15 Jun 2014  Good things, small packets
(Luke 13:10-21) 
Christ Church, Liverpool
(Maurice McCracken
11 May 2014  How appearances can be deceptive
(Luke 13:10-21) 
St Andrew the Great
(Nathan Buttery
04 May 2014  True freedom
(Luke 13:10-17) 
St Andrew the Great
(Nathan Buttery
27 Apr 2014  When bad things happen to good people
(Luke 13:1-9) 
St Andrew the Great
(Nathan Buttery
06 Apr 2014  Luke 13:1-9
(Luke 13:1-9) 
Banstead Community Church
(John Tindall
05 Jan 2014  Conflict and kingdom
(Luke 13:10-21) 
Grace Church Milton Keynes
(James Davies
05 Jan 2014  Conflict and kingdom
(Luke 13:10-21) 
Grace Church Milton Keynes
(James Davies
23 Jun 2013  Luke 13:1-9
(Luke 13:1-9) 
Holyrood Evangelical Church
(Phil Hair
17 Jun 2013  The hidden secret of happy Sundays
(Luke 13:10-17) 
Emmanuel Evangelical Church 
16 Jun 2013  The hidden secret of happy Sundays, Q+A
(Luke 13:10-17) 
Emmanuel Evangelical Church 
09 Jun 2013  Jesus fails his pastoral counselling exam
(Luke 13:1-9) 
Emmanuel Evangelical Church 
05 Aug 2012  Luke 13:1-9
(Luke 13:1-9) 
Holyrood Evangelical Church
(Phil Hair
05 Feb 2012  Why do bad things happen to good people
(Luke 13:1-5 ) 
St John's, Felbridge
(Stephen Bowen
05 Feb 2012  Why do bad things happen to good people
(Luke 13:1-5 ) 
St John's, Felbridge
(Stephen Bowen
05 Feb 2012  Why do bad things happen to good people
(Luke 13:1-5 ) 
St John's, Felbridge
(Stephen Bowen
01 Jan 2012  One more year
(Luke 13:1-9) 
Charlotte Chapel
(Andy Prime
09 Oct 2011  Why Does God Allow Pain and Suffering
(Luke 13:1-5) 
The Slade Evangelical Church 
28 Feb 2010  Why does God allow suffering? Part 1 (WHY?)
(Luke 13:1-5) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Hugh Palmer