Date Title Church
22 Oct 2017  Luke: The Comparison Killer
(Luke 13:1-3) 
Jubilee Maple Ridge
(Tim Durksen
22 Oct 2017  Luke: The Comparison Killer
(Luke 13:1-3Tim brings us the challenge of walking before God without living in comparison with other) 
Jubilee Maple Ridge
(Tim Durksen
23 Jul 2017  How can God allow people to suffer?
(Luke 13:1) 
King's Church Guildford
(Phil Parker
23 Jul 2017  How can God allow people to suffer?
(Luke 13:1) 
King's Church Guildford
(Phil Parker
28 May 2017  Revealed - Revealed: Luke 13: 10 - 17
(Luke 13: 10 - 17) 
Windsor Baptist 
28 May 2017  Luke 13:1-17
(Luke 13:1-17) 
St Andrews Free Church 
05 Feb 2017  The Mustard Seed Kingdom
(Luke 13:10-13:21) 
Duke Street Church
(Simon Pethick
30 Oct 2016  Paraclesis (5): Healing - Strong at the Broken Places
(Luke 13:10-17) 
St Mary's Burgh Heath
(Ian Hughes
30 Oct 2016  Jesus Sets You Free
(Luke 13:10-17) 
St Mary's Burgh Heath
(Ian Hughes
02 Oct 2016  Luke 13:10-21
(Luke 13:10-21) 
Christ Church Leyton
(Nick Algeo
25 Sep 2016  Luke 13:1-9
(Luke 13:1-9) 
Christ Church Leyton 
04 Sep 2016  Jesus' Kingdom Ways
(Luke 13:10-14:35) 
(Eric John
04 Sep 2016  Fruitfulness: the necessity of repentance
(Luke 13:1-9) 
Holyrood Evangelical Church
(Phil Hair
19 Jun 2016  Why are religious people 'jerks'?
(Luke 13:10-17) 
The Point Community Church 
27 Mar 2016  King of My Heart (3) “Unless You Repent” - Pastor Mark Van Haitsma
(Luke 13:1-9) 
Olympia Christian Reformed Church CRC 
27 Mar 2016  King of My Heart (3) “Unless You Repent” - Pastor Mark Van Haitsma
(Luke 13:1-9) 
Olympia Christian Reformed Church CRC 
28 Feb 2016  Unjust suffering 'what on earth is going on?'
(Luke 13:1-5) 
Brighton Road Baptist Church
(Tim Carter
28 Feb 2016  Luke 13:1-9
(Luke 13:1-9) 
Christ Church Roxeth
(Steve Buxton
28 Feb 2016  Unjust suffering 'what on earth is going on?'
(Luke 13:1-5) 
Brighton Road Baptist Church
(Tim Carter
28 Feb 2016  A serious warning (Lent 2016)
(Luke 13:1-9) 
St Simon Zelotes
(Mikey Williams