Date Title Church
22 Apr 2021  Defeating Enemies
(Judges 6:33 – 7:25) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Alastair Gledhill
17 Jul 2020  Gideon and the Gift of the Holy Spirit
(Judges 6:33-35) 
Barss Corner Baptist Church
(Sam Jess
26 Jun 2016  Strength and Weakness
(Judges 6:33 - 7:25) 
Pontesbury Baptist Church
(Mike Wells
05 May 2013  Gideon: Whose Kingdom??
(Judges 6:33-7:25) 
Christ Church Bromley
(Kevin Newman
18 Jul 2020  Gideon and the Gift of the Holy Spirit (Short Version)
(Judges 6:34) 
Barss Corner Baptist Church
(Sam Jess
13 Jan 2013  Are we listening to God?
(Judges 6:6-16) 
King's Community Church
(Colin Potter
29 Jan 2017  Rubbish to Greatness
(Judges 6:8) 
Grace Church Milton Keynes
(Jon Kempster
29 Jan 2017  Rubbish to Greatness
(Judges 6:8) 
Grace Church Milton Keynes
(Jon Kempster