Date Title Church
31 Mar 2013  Easter Sunday John 19:38 - 20:10
(John 19:38 - 20) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Vincent Buchanan
31 Mar 2013  Easter Sunday John 19:38 - 20:10
(John 19:38 - 20) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Vincent Buchanan
24 Mar 2013  Buried
(John 19:38-20:18) 
St Andrew's Chelsea
(Paul Dawson
24 Mar 2013  Buried
(John 19:38-20:18) 
St Andrew's Chelsea
(Paul Dawson
15 Dec 2024  I find no guilt in him: the troubled conscience of Pilate
(John 19:4) 
Holyrood Evangelical Church
(Joe Barnard
10 Apr 2022  The crown of the king (2)
(John 19:4-16a; Psalm 69:6-12) 
St Andrew the Great
(Christopher Ash
30 Mar 2018  Here is your king (Good Friday)
(John 19:4) 
St Simon Zelotes
(David Jackman
10 Apr 2009  Jesus the Victor
(John 19:4-16, 1) 
All Souls Langham Place
(David Jackman
30 Mar 2018  Here is the man (Good Friday)
(John 19:5) 
St Simon Zelotes
(David Jackman
30 Mar 2018  Prayer (Good Friday)
(John 19:5) 
St Simon Zelotes
(David Jackman
03 Feb 2016  Behold the Man!
(John 19:5) 
Holy Trinity Lyonsdown 
25 Sep 2020  Pilate’s Panic and Pronouncement
(John 19:8-16a) 
Welbeck Road Evangelical Church