Date Title Church
02 Apr 1998  The Lord of the ring
(Haggai 2:20-23) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Tim Vickers
12 May 1996  The Lord of the ring
(Haggai 2:20-23) 
St Andrew the Great
(Christopher Ash
12 May 1996  The Lord of the ring
(Haggai 2:20–23) 
St Andrew the Great
(Christopher Ash
22 May 2020  The Haggai Challenge - Ptr. Grace Barrion | GWF Maranatha Online Fellowship Service
(Haggai 2:4) 
God's Way Fellowship - Sharjah
(Ptr. Grace Barrion
25 Oct 2020  Wait patiently for the future
(Haggai 2:6-9) 
Welbeck Road Evangelical Church