Date Title Church
15 Oct 2023  Tested in Trusting God
(Genesis 22:1-14) 
Welbeck Road Evangelical Church 
23 Jul 2023  The Near Sacrifice and the Ultimate Sacrifice
(Genesis 22:1-19) 
Peacehaven Evangelical Free Church
(Brian Melia
09 Jul 2023  When We Let Go
(Genesis 22:1-18</b>: Following our sad news that Jubilee will be taking steps to close in the coming) 
Jubilee Maple Ridge 
09 Jul 2023  When We Let Go
(Genesis 22:1-18</b>: Following our sad news that Jubilee will be taking steps to close in the coming) 
Jubilee Maple Ridge 
29 Jan 2023  If we’re justified by faith, does our behaviour matter?
(Genesis 22:1-19) 
Grace Church Greenwich
(Andrew Latimer
22 Jan 2023  What does this world most need?
(Genesis 22:1-19) 
Grace Church Greenwich
(Andrew Latimer
15 Jan 2023  “10 lonely seconds to justify my whole existence"
(Genesis 22:1-19) 
Grace Church Greenwich
(Andrew Latimer
23 Oct 2022  God Provides
(Genesis 22:1-19) 
Bishop Hannington
(John McLernon
17 Jul 2022  Giving up Isaac
(Genesis 22:1-19) 
Avenue Evangelical Church
(Paul Witter
24 Apr 2022  Abraham and Isaac: The Lord will Provide
(Genesis 22:1-19) 
Woodgreen Church 
24 Apr 2022  The Lord Will Provide a Sacrifice
(Genesis 22:1-24) 
Solihull Presbyterian Church
(Stephen Dancer
10 Apr 2022  The Lord will provide
(Genesis 22:1-19) 
St John's Church Orchard Park, North Cambridge
(Chris Lowe
30 May 2021  Genesis 22:1-19 - Faith In The Face Of Uncertainty
(Genesis 22:1-19) 
Grace Church Manchester
(Greg Willson
30 May 2021  Abraham Tested
(Genesis 22:1-19) 
Bloomfield Presbyterian Church
(Michael Stoneman
25 Apr 2021  Tested to the edge of Belief
(Genesis 22:1-14) 
Welbeck Road Evangelical Church 
05 Jul 2020  The Lord Will Provide
(Genesis 22:1-24) 
Cambridge Presbyterian Church
(Douglas McCallum
24 May 2020  A Shadow of the Cross
(Genesis 22:1-24) 
St Columba's Free Church
(Thomas Davis
29 Dec 2019  How commited is God?
(Genesis 22:1-19) 
St Helen's, Bishopsgate
(Will Cunningham-Batt
03 Nov 2019  Shocking Sacrifice
(Genesis 22:1-24) 
Westminster Chapel
(Howard Satterthwaite
06 Oct 2019  The One and Only Son
(Genesis 22:1-23) 
Charlotte Chapel
(Liam Garvie