Date Title Church
03 Apr 2016  Mission is in our DNA
(Acts 5:27–32) 
St Andrew's Church Oxford
(Paul White
07 Apr 2013  Beleieving the Resurrection
(Acts 5:27–32) 
St Andrew's Church Oxford 
20 Jan 2013  Living in a fallen world
(Acts 5:27-42) 
Cambridge Presbyterian Church
(Ian Hamilton
09 Aug 2020  Morning Service 09/08/2020
(Acts 5:29, Luke 14:1-6) 
Christ Church Bradford
(Tim Mills
03 Jun 2007  What God requires, He gives
(Acts 5:29-42) 
Cambridge Presbyterian Church
(Ian Hamilton
29 Aug 2019  Never Give In
(Acts 5:32-42) 
Lancaster Baptist Church CA
(Paul Chappell
10 Jun 2007  A response no-one can avoid
(Acts 5:33-42) 
Cambridge Presbyterian Church
(Ian Hamilton
19 May 2013  A Church That Never Stops Proclaiming Jesus as the One and Only Savior of the World
(Acts 5:40-42) 
Evangelical Free Church of Crystal Lake
(Marty Voltz
19 May 2013  A Church That Never Stops Proclaiming Jesus as the One and Only Savior of the World
(Acts 5:40-42) 
Evangelical Free Church of Crystal Lake
(Marty Voltz
21 Feb 2016  How does God’s mission continue despite distractions?
(Acts 5:42-6) 
City Church Birmingham
(Jonathan Gregory
08 Dec 2013  Boldness with the word and stewardship of the word again
(Acts 5:42-6:7) 
Christ Church Fulwood
(Ben Cooper