Date Title Speaker Count  
14 Aug 1988  The Integrated Christian:
The will
(Matthew 26:36-45
John Stott  46 
14 Aug 1988  Majoring on the Minors:
The prophet of dedication - Haggai
(Haggai ) 
Ian Bentley  33 
7 Aug 1988  The Integrated Christian:
The conscience
(Romans 2:14-15
John Stott  83 
7 Aug 1988  Majoring on the Minors:
The prophet of judgment - Zephaniah
(Zephaniah ) 
Stephen Wookey  32 
31 Jul 1988  The Integrated Christian:
The emotions
(John 11:35
John Stott  122 
24 Jul 1988  The Integrated Christian:
The mind
(1 Corinthians 14:20
John Stott  76 
24 Jul 1988  Majoring on the Minors:
The prophet of doubt and faith - Habakkuk
(Habakkuk ) 
Kim Swithinbank  58 
17 Jul 1988  Mark - The Way of Jesus:
The Son of Man - saving
(Mark 15:21-39
Kim Swithinbank  19 
17 Jul 1988  Majoring on the Minors:
The prophet of retribution - Nahum
(Nahum ) 
Richard Bewes  42 
10 Jul 1988  Mark - The Way of Jesus:
The Son of Man - coming
(Mark 14:53-65
Ian Bentley  15 
10 Jul 1988  Majoring on the Minors:
The prophet of restitution - Micah
(Micah ) 
Richard Bewes  92 
3 Jul 1988  Mark - The Way of Jesus:
The Son of Man - obedient
(Mark 14:32-42
Stephen Wookey  19 
26 Jun 1988  Mark - The Way of Jesus:
The Son of Man - serving
(Mark 10:35-45
Kim Swithinbank  21 
19 Jun 1988  Mark - The Way of Jesus:
The Son of Man - transfigured
(Mark 9:2-8
Richard Bewes  25 
12 Jun 1988  Mark - The Way of Jesus:
The Son of Man - suffering
(Mark 8:27-9:1
Richard Bewes  23 
29 May 1988  Great Festivals:
The trinity 
John Stott  140 
29 May 1988  The Christ-like Church:
Abundance and want
(Philippians 4:10-23
Ian Bentley  18 
22 May 1988  The Christ-like Church:
Thought and Action
(Philippians 4:4-9
Stephen Wookey  17 
22 May 1988  Great Festivals:
(Acts 2
Ian Bentley  25 
15 May 1988  The Christ-like Church:
Friend and foe
(Philippians 3:17-4:3
Kim Swithinbank  17