Date Title Speaker Count  
6 Sep 1992  Our Christian Identity (Some Metaphors from 2 Corinthians):
Earthen vessels
(2 Corinthians 4:7-18
John Cook  24 
6 Sep 1992  Miscellaneous Occasional Series:
The God who speaks
(2 Timothy 3:16-17
Christopher Hobbs  16 
30 Aug 1992 12:00  The end of the dream
(2 Kings 25:1-30
John Cook  3 
30 Aug 1992  Our Christian Identity (Some Metaphors from 2 Corinthians):
(2 Corinthians 4:1-6
John Cook  19 
23 Aug 1992  Our Christian Identity (Some Metaphors from 2 Corinthians):
The aroma of Christ
(2 Corinthians 2:13-3:6
John Cook  26 
23 Aug 1992  Decline and Fall (Studies of the Old Testament Kings):
A wonderful discovery
(2 Kings 22:1
Stephen Wookey  26 
16 Aug 1992  Living in the Light of the Gospel:
(Romans 13:1-7
John Stott  199 
16 Aug 1992  Decline and Fall (Studies of the Old Testament Kings):
A sudden apostasy
(2 Kings 21:1
Stephen Wookey  26 
9 Aug 1992  Decline and Fall (Studies of the Old Testament Kings):
A religious revival
(2 Kings 18
John Cook  24 
9 Aug 1992  Living in the Light of the Gospel:
(Romans 12:3-21
John Stott  102 
2 Aug 1992  Decline and Fall (Studies of the Old Testament Kings):
A foreign believer
(2 Kings 5
Christopher Hobbs  18 
2 Aug 1992  Living in the Light of the Gospel:
(Romans 12:1-2
John Stott  219 
26 Jul 1992  Living in the Light of the Gospel:
(Romans 11:33-36
John Stott  83 
26 Jul 1992  Decline and Fall (Studies of the Old Testament Kings):
A foolish compromise
(1 Kings 22
Stephen Wookey  22 
19 Jul 1992  The Spreading Flame:
Spreading the word
(Acts 8:1-15
David Turner  57 
19 Jul 1992  Decline and Fall (Studies from the Old Testament Kings):
The seeds of destruction
(1 Kings 11
Christopher Hobbs  19 
12 Jul 1992  The Spreading Flame:
Waiting at tables?
(Acts 6:1-15
Richard Bewes  30 
12 Jul 1992  Guest Services:
The God who blinds and the God who shines
(2 Corinthians 4
Keith de Berry  36 
5 Jul 1992  The Spreading Flame:
Telling the truth
(Acts 5:1-11
John Cook  20 
5 Jul 1992  A Window on Love (Studies from the Song of Solomon):
Love's Permanence
(Song of Songs 8:4-7
Richard Bewes  46