Date Title Speaker Count  
22 Sep 1994  The Tests of Faith:
Enticement from within
(James 1:13-18
John Cook  20 
18 Sep 1994  Unfinished Business (Studies in the Book of Nehemiah) :
Galvanised into action
(Nehemiah 2:1-20
Christopher Hobbs  33 
18 Sep 1994  Miscellaneous Occasional Series:
My eyes have seen the King
(Isaiah 6:1-8
Michael Cassidy  29 
15 Sep 1994  The Tests of Faith:
Testing from without
(James 1:1-12
John Cook  22 
11 Sep 1994  Stay on Track:
How to spot the con man
(Jude ) 
Andy Rider  25 
11 Sep 1994  Guest Services:
Bath time for a general
(2 Kings 5
Richard Bewes  25 
4 Sep 1994  Stay on Track:
How to wreck a church
(Jude ) 
John Cook  34 
4 Sep 1994  Unfinished Business (Studies in the Book of Nehemiah) :
The foundation of prayer
(Nehemiah 1:1-11
Stephen Wookey  30 
28 Aug 1994  A Call To Loyalty (Studies in 2 Timothy):
Deserted, but not alone
(2 Timothy 4:9-22
John Cook  18 
28 Aug 1994  What are the 39 Article? (Issues of Church Controversy) :
How can God accept us 
Rico Tice  62 
21 Aug 1994  What are the 39 Article? (Issues of Church Controversy) :
Where is our supreme authority?
(1 Corinthians 11
Christopher Hobbs  27 
21 Aug 1994  A Call To Loyalty (Studies in 2 Timothy):
Finish the job
(2 Timothy 4:1-8
Stephen Wookey  20 
14 Aug 1994  Meeting With Jesus:
The rich young ruler
(Luke 18:18-30
John Stott  89 
14 Aug 1994  Guest Services:
Don't miss out
(Mark 5:1
John Smith  24 
7 Aug 1994  Meeting With Jesus:
The Samaritan woman
(John 4:1-25
John Stott  101 
7 Aug 1994  What are the 39 Article? (Issues of Church Controversy) :
What happens to the bread and wine? (Article 28)
(1 Corinthians 11:23-25
Richard Bewes  21 
31 Jul 1994  Meeting With Jesus:
(John 3:1-21
John Stott  152 
31 Jul 1994  What are the 39 Article? (Issues of Church Controversy) :
Does purgatory exist? (Article 22)
(Romans 5
John Cook  22 
24 Jul 1994  Travelling with God (Studies in the Book of Numbers):
The successor
(Numbers 27:12-23
David Turner  26 
24 Jul 1994  A Call To Loyalty (Studies in 2 Timothy):
Hard times ahead
(2 Timothy 3:1-17
Christopher Hobbs  20