Date Title Speaker Count  
13 Jun 1999  As The Cross Approaches:
Cleanliness is godliness
(John 13:1-13
Richard Trist  43 
13 Jun 1999  Who Writes History?:
Raiders of the last ark
(1 Chronicles 13
Paul Blackham  16 
10 Jun 1999  Quality Work:
Praying under pressure
(Exodus 17:8-16
Paul Williams  39 
6 Jun 1999  Who Writes History?:
Enter the mighty men
(1 Chronicles 11
Paul Blackham  20 
6 Jun 1999  As The Cross Approaches:
None so blind
(John 12:37-50
Paul Williams  26 
3 Jun 1999  Quality Work:
Praying as a habit
(Daniel 6:1-16
Rico Tice  40 
30 May 1999  Great Quotes of the 20th Century :
'I've been on the calendar, but never on time' - Marilyn Monroe
(Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
Richard Bewes  27 
30 May 1999  As The Cross Approaches:
The seed must die
(John 12:12-36
Paul Blackham  30 
23 May 1999  Special Services:
The Spirit is for every nation
(Ezekiel 37
Richard Bewes  26 
23 May 1999  Special Services:
God's love and the Jinja Dam
(John 1:4
Richard Bewes  17 
20 May 1999  Quality Work:
Practical love
(Romans 12:9-21
Paul Blackham  22 
20 May 1999  Invitation Lunch :
Out of Africa
(Matthew 28:16-20
Paul Williams  23 
16 May 1999  Who Writes History?:
A king falls
(1 Chronicles 10
Paul Williams  20 
16 May 1999  As The Cross Approaches:
The passover plot
(John 11:45-12:1
Paul Blackham  20 
13 May 1999  Quality Work:
Offering forgiveness
(Matthew 5:38-48
Tim Vickers  21 
9 May 1999  Who Writes History?:
One in a million
(1 Chronicles 4:9
Richard Trist  15 
9 May 1999  As The Cross Approaches:
Dying to live
(John 11:1-44
Rico Tice  62 
6 May 1999  Quality Work:
Constructive teamwork
(Nehemiah 4:1-23
Richard Bewes  31 
2 May 1999  Miscellaneous Occasional Series:
Show me your glory
(Exodus 33:12-23
Os Guinness  45 
2 May 1999  As The Cross Approaches:
The good shepherd
(John 10:1-16
David Turner  27