Date Title Speaker Count  
29 Oct 2006  Vital Marks of the Spirit :
(Romans 8:18-27
Hugh Palmer  27 
29 Oct 2006  Jesus: Up Close and Personal:
(Mark 9:33-41
Paul Blackham  22 
26 Oct 2006  Are Christians Deluded?:
Deluded about the Bible?
(James 1:19-25
Jago Wynne  18 
22 Oct 2006  Vital Marks of the Spirit :
(Romans 8:12-17
Hugh Palmer  24 
22 Oct 2006  Jesus: Up Close and Personal:
(Mark 9:14-32
Chris Wright  82 
19 Oct 2006  Are Christians Deluded?:
Deluded about temptation?
(James 1:12-18
Jago Wynne  38 
15 Oct 2006  Vital Marks of the Spirit :
(Romans 8:1-11
Hugh Palmer  41 
15 Oct 2006  Jesus: Up Close and Personal:
(Mark 9:2-13
David Turner  60 
12 Oct 2006  Are Christians Deluded?:
Deluded about suffering?
(James 1:1-12
Jago Wynne  28 
8 Oct 2006  Guest Services:
What is success?
(Luke 12:13-21
Rico Tice  35 
8 Oct 2006  Guest Services:
What makes you so sure God's impressed
(Luke 18:9-14
Mark Meynell  21 
5 Oct 2006  Lunchtime Specials:
I can't get no satisfaction
(John 4:4-26
Rico Tice  33 
1 Oct 2006  Guest Services:
The meaning of history
(Revelation 5
Paul Blackham  30 
1 Oct 2006  Has God Given Up on the World?:
Cry of hope
(Romans 1:14-32
Hugh Palmer  16 
28 Sep 2006  Life on the Treadmill:
Managing our future
(Luke 12:13-21
Rico Tice  36 
24 Sep 2006  Has God Given Up on the World?:
Cry of warning
(Romans 1:18-32
Hugh Palmer  24 
24 Sep 2006  Lessons in Discipleship:
Ambassadors for Christ
(2 Corinthians 5:20
Mark Meynell  18 
21 Sep 2006  Life on the Treadmill:
Managing our hearts
(Matthew 6:19-24
Tim Plyming  21 
17 Sep 2006  Special Services:
Created for good works
(Ephesians 2:10
Rene Padilla  27 
17 Sep 2006  Special Services:
Listen to your prophets
(Luke 16:19-31
Rene Padilla  33