Date Title Speaker Count  
14 Jun 2007  God's Outrageous Claims:
You need Jesus to help you be productive in life
(John 15:1-16
Andrew Baughen  36 
10 Jun 2007  Workplace Sunday:
A vision for work
(1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1
Jago Wynne  16 
10 Jun 2007  Workplace Sunday:
A vocation to work
(1 Corinthians 7:17-24
David Turner  29 
7 Jun 2007  God's Outrageous Claims:
You need Jesus to get you to heaven
(John 13:37-14:1
Rico Tice  26 
3 Jun 2007  The Cross, the Church and the Culture:
Church growth that stands the test
(1 Corinthians 3:1-23
Hugh Palmer  30 
3 Jun 2007  Love Story :
There is a Redeemer
(Ruth 4
Rico Tice  73 
31 May 2007  God's Outrageous Claims:
You need Jesus to get the most out of life
(John 10
Barry Cooper  32 
27 May 2007  The Cross, the Church and the Culture:
How to know God's secret thoughts
(1 Corinthians 2:6-16
Hugh Palmer  40 
27 May 2007  Love Story :
A bold proposal
(Ruth 3
Chris Wright  64 
24 May 2007  God's Outrageous Claims:
You need Jesus to illuminate the world
(John 8:12
Mark Prentice  27 
20 May 2007  The Cross, the Church and the Culture:
A message that divides
(1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5
Hugh Palmer  32 
20 May 2007  Love Story :
Favour for a foreigner
(Ruth 2
Roger Salisbury  33 
17 May 2007  God's Outrageous Claims:
You need Jesus to give you eternal satisfaction
(John 6:25-59
Roger Salisbury  19 
13 May 2007  The Cross, the Church and the Culture:
Power plays that empty the gospel
(1 Corinthians 1:1-17
Hugh Palmer  73 
13 May 2007  Love Story :
Life at the end of your tether
(Ruth 1
Mark Meynell  153 
10 May 2007  God's Outrageous Claims:
You can survive the rat race without becoming a rat
(Colossians 3:23
Tim Plyming  18 
6 May 2007  Guest Services:
What must I do?
(Luke 10:25-37
Hugh Palmer  23 
6 May 2007  Guest Services:
I will give you rest
(Matthew 11:25-30
Mark Meynell  37 
3 May 2007  God's Outrageous Claims:
Heaven is more than wishful thinking
(John 11:17-44
Jago Wynne  27 
29 Apr 2007  Guest Services:
David and the Ark
(2 Samuel 6:1-19
Mark Prentice  31