Date Title Speaker Count  
30 Sep 2012 13:30  Rebuilding After a Bust Up 
Gabriel Chan  0 
30 Sep 2012 11:00  Great Expectations 
Tayo Awoyera  1 
30 Sep 2012 10:00  Great Expectations 
Tayo Awoyera  0 
23 Sep 2012 19:00  Opening the Wells of Revival - Part 2 
Claudio Freidzon  3 
23 Sep 2012 18:00  Opening the Wells of Revival - Part 2 
Claudio Freidzon  3 
23 Sep 2012 17:00  Sermon on the Mount: The Conclusion 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
23 Sep 2012 16:00  Sermon on the Mount: The Conclusion 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
23 Sep 2012 14:30  Honour Where it's Due 
Gabriel Chan  0 
23 Sep 2012 13:30  Honour Where it's Due 
Gabriel Chan  0 
23 Sep 2012 11:00  Opening the Wells of Revival 
Claudio Freidzon  4 
23 Sep 2012 10:00  Opening the Wells of Revival 
Claudio Freidzon  7 
16 Sep 2012 19:00  Walking in Eden 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
16 Sep 2012 18:00  Walking in Eden 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
16 Sep 2012 17:00  Sermon on the Mount: Casting your pearls before swine 
Bruce Atkinson  2 
16 Sep 2012 16:00  Sermon on the Mount: Casting your pearls before swine 
Bruce Atkinson  1 
16 Sep 2012 14:30  Environment of Love 
Gabriel Chan  0 
16 Sep 2012 13:30  Environment of Love 
Gabriel Chan  0 
16 Sep 2012 11:00  Revealing His Glory 
Colin Dye  1 
16 Sep 2012 10:00  Revealing His Glory 
Colin Dye  3 
9 Sep 2012 19:00  The Fainting of Elijah 
Bruce Atkinson  1