Date Title Speaker Count  
9 Dec 2012 13:30  Celebrate Him Together 
Dudley Hanciles  0 
9 Dec 2012 11:00  Feeding on the Bread of Life 
Colin Dye  2 
9 Dec 2012 10:00  Feeding on the Bread of Life 
Colin Dye  1 
2 Dec 2012 19:00  The Ezra Restoration: The Lord of Politics 
Bruce Atkinson  1 
2 Dec 2012 18:00  The Ezra Restoration: The Lord of Politics 
Bruce Atkinson  1 
2 Dec 2012 17:00  The Son of God is Born! 
Bruce Atkinson  1 
2 Dec 2012 16:00  The Son of God is Born! 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
2 Dec 2012 14:30  Sexual Purity and your Anointing 
Gabriel Chan  0 
2 Dec 2012 13:30  Sexual Purity and your Anointing 
Gabriel Chan  0 
2 Dec 2012 11:00  Going Deeper with Jesus 
Colin Dye  2 
2 Dec 2012 10:00  Going Deeper with Jesus 
Colin Dye  1 
25 Nov 2012 19:00  Gifts and Invitations 
Roberts Liardon  1 
25 Nov 2012 18:00  Gifts and Invitations 
Roberts Liardon  12 
25 Nov 2012 17:00  I saw Heaven! 
Roberts Liardon  8 
25 Nov 2012 16:00  I saw Heaven! 
Roberts Liardon  21 
25 Nov 2012 14:30  God Time 
Dudley Hanciles  0 
25 Nov 2012 13:30  God Time 
Dudley Hanciles  0 
25 Nov 2012 11:00  Peter: From Saint to Satan? 
Praise Olatona  0 
25 Nov 2012 10:00  Peter: From Saint to Satan? 
Praise Olatona  0 
18 Nov 2012 19:00  Ezra - Restoring your Foundations 
Bruce Atkinson  2