Date Title Speaker  
18 Jul 2021 10:30  Going Global:
thumbnail for Going Global'Is God going to complete his plans or is it up to us?"
(Acts 4:23-31) 
Andrew Latimer 
11 Jul 2021 11:30  Weekend Away July 2021:
thumbnail for Weekend Away July 2021 'True Confidence of Eternal Life' [Session V]
(1 John 5:4-21) 
Tom Watts 
11 Jul 2021 10:00  Weekend Away July 2021:
thumbnail for Weekend Away July 2021 'True Love in Action' [Session IV]
(1 John 3:11-5:3) 
Tom Watts 
10 Jul 2021 17:30  Weekend Away July 2021:
thumbnail for Weekend Away July 2021 'True Children of the Father' [Session III]
(1 John 2:15-3:10) 
Tom Watts 
10 Jul 2021 11:45  Weekend Away July 2021:
thumbnail for Weekend Away July 2021 'True Life in the Light' [Session II]
(1 John 1:5-2:11) 
Tom Watts